Lily The Moo

This may the most brilliant piece of viral marketing for Guardians of the Galaxy yet.

Is it just me or does this guy sound just like Nathan Lane?!

Personally, I prefer the Logitech G13 over the Nostromo.

Neither is klok, but you've still managed to be wrong.

It's Kanti from FLCL.

There can be only one TV-headed robot:

I'm sure Nguyen is all broken up about it tho.

You must be a blast at art galleries.

Because I don't want nightmares.

What percentage of these tweeters swore off Coca Cola at halftime? 95?

Confused why #fuckcoke is trending on twitter. I thought Philip Seymour Hoffman died of a heroin overdose

Who else saw this commercial live and waited for this article to pop up?

You forget the greatest of them all:

So basically 'Stop liking what I don't like!'

I hear it's kinda hot in those rhinos.

I misread the title as "Super Motherhood", which in turn made the title kind of hilarious.

"uh... I came."

Yeah, man. Dinosaurs are like 10 trillion years old. You gotta appreciate the classics.

Got to post it before bob does.