Lily The Moo

There actually is a modern day version of the Duke. It’s made by Hyperkin, it’s pretty much the old Duke exactly, with a few modern changes. The most important one is duplicating the white and black buttons functions so they’re on the shoulders of the controllers as well, to make them more similar to modern

Gratefully, it went amazing. Perfect Gentlethem, made me feel like a teenage girl dating her first crush. 

What happened to Laverne Cox is EXACTLY why I get so nervous when I’m out right now, especially when it comes to people that might lean conservative. Hell, I have a date tonight with someone I met online and my partner(I’m in a polyamorous relationship with two other women) is making contingencies just in case things

From what I can find, yes it requires two doses. The first one, then a second one 28 days later. 

BTW, the reason why the Moderna vaccine is so much more significant than the Pfizer vaccine isn’t so much the extra 4 percent there, though that does help. It’s the fact that Pfizer’s vaccine requires a temperature of at least negative 70 degrees Celsius while the Moderna Vaccine can be refrigerated and suffer no

As a trans woman this is one of those things that drives me nuts about republicans. They always talk about gender like it’s some immutable, unchanging thing that has been the same since the dawn of time. Men look like this, women look like that, anything else is profane. Here’s the thing though: gender is completely a

She’s a woman, that’s usually enough for them. Besides, to Republicans Trans people aren’t actually people, so they don’t see the problem. 

It’s frustrating as a health care provider because the last thing that we ask anyone when they seek care is how they voted or if they’re a Democrat or Republican. The last thing we ever think about is that. What we think about is how can we help you.

Yeah, it would be great to see Sony give this game the same treatment they did for Horizon New Dawn and at least release it on the PC. But then they are driving people, like me, to look into buying a PS5 to play these exclusives, so I guess it’s working?

Oregon also approved an initiative to legalize Psilocybin Mushrooms for medical treatment, such as patients with terminal diseases and PTSD, so that’s another improvement we’ve made!

I don’t smoke and I feel like doing the same, but then this is why I have pot. God bless legal recreational pot in Oregon.

Well, they’re already leaps better than Snowflake and Safespace. What was marvel thinking?

I’m seriously scared of living in this country right now. With the way it’s been going I’m losing all sense of safety that I don’t feel is right for a person to have of their country. I’m lucky, because I have a great family, great partners, and I live in Oregon, which is generally speaking is a fairly progressive

What I find maddening is that the man who wrote this said he was going to raise the rent anyway in two years. He's a greedy ass, just like every other republican bootlicker. 

I mean, he’s known for a lot of heavy cgi movies now, but Zemekis was a pioneer in cinematic effects. Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Back to the Future, the often overlooked Death Becomes Her, Forest Gump, all movies that are known for having really fantastic use of special effects at a time when it was perhaps not the most

This year was already horrible and terrifying as it was, now this. I gotta be honest, as a half-mexican member of the LGBT community, I’ve been terrified since 2016, and now? I feel like all hope is dead. 

Live in Oregon here, same reason. 

Now playing

Except, the UK tax payers already get reimbursed. CGP Grey explains it in an entertaining way.

Just the other day I was talking with my partner about... well, our existence. We’re both trans women in a polyamorous relationships and while we do live in the United States, shit’s still scary, especially that people get away with this sort of shit. The ‘transpanic’ argument is still legal in most of the country,

If the first season is any indication, it sucks majorly. Nothing remotely interesting about the series to justify watching an episode.