Lily The Moo

how else would it go through his colon

Yeah, I looked at this phone a few weeks ago. It looked great, then I noticed it has no headphone jack. That’s a dealbreaker for me.

Yeah, I looked at this phone a few weeks ago. It looked great, then I noticed it has no headphone jack. That’s a

I know this article is supposed to be about how horrible this is, and frankly I agree it’s a little tone deaf, but I had to download it out of curiosity for the male to female filter as a transgender woman. I tried the two filters available, and it’s literally made me cry.

While it’s nice to hear the guy got a job offer, if it were official or not, I think the animation was the only good part of the video. The writing fell pretty flat to me, most of the jokes being either weak or just relying too much on established jokes. There wasn’t really anything original or funny about the

As far as the season finale made it seem, he’s still in a coma, so this is probably related.

I’ve been wanting to get one of these after looking over various fitness trackers. 99 was tempting, this is even better. Just picked one up. Shit like this is why I check deals each day on kinja.

I’ve been wanting to get one of these after looking over various fitness trackers. 99 was tempting, this is even

Honestly, for me the biggest sell of this series, besides Ian McShane, Neil Gaiman and Bryan Fuller, is this one scene introducing the African trickster figure Anansi, played by Orlando Jones. I watched the first episode, which was fine, but damn, if this scene in the second episode fucking seal it as a worthwhile

Watching it now, absolutely tickled by that part in the theater with the hacker wearing the V mask. I feel like they had a lot of fun shooting that scene.

Still looks better than Jared Leto in the role.

I loved the manga, but fuck if that random ass telepathy thing out of left field. Oh, this key character can move things with her mind! For one chapter, then never again. How utterly, fucking, pointless. So much of the rest of the series was so strong, and then they pull out that random bullshit.

Psst, it’s a joke. During the Overwatch beta there was some controversy revolving around Tracer and a pose that prominently displayed her rear, labeled something to the effect of ‘over the shoulder’. Some people, in my opinion rightfully, said the way they displayed it was out of character and Blizzard changed it to

Since most of the comments here seem to be focused on how it’s SJW propaganda being shoved into precious Kotaku’s face, I’ll just make a comment about the actual graphic novel itself: It looks fucking darling. The art style has a lot of charm and the story being told looks really touching. I’m a little tempted to drop

Why not? Comics and graphic novels are geek culture, which Kotaku falls neatly into. It might not be about super heroes, but you’ll still find something like this in your local comic book store, and much of the clientele you’ll find in said comic book store probably would find its interests represented in Kotaku.

When I first saw this I thought it was for the PC, I got super excited. Very disappointed it’s PS3 and PS4 only.

When I first saw this I thought it was for the PC, I got super excited. Very disappointed it’s PS3 and PS4 only.

Found the Genji mains.

Well, that, and also ‘Jewish’. Mainstream media and fake news tends to be kind of just broad short hand for ‘the jews that run our media and the secret world government’. Hell, Trump supporters have been heard chanting ‘Lugenpresse’ at Trump rallies, the German word for lying press so closely tied with Nazis, who used

No. More Musical episodes. On every show, so long as it’s original music. Fuck this covering pop songs bullshit.

The big deal breaker here for me is lacking Time Warner and Viacom channels. I could care fuck all for sports, but I want my Comedy Central and Cartoon Network.

Every time I see pictures of Love Livers I think of them as anime Mardi Gras Indians.

I swear, all the stylings of this first episode made it feel like such a Stanley Kubrick movie. I kind of hope they keep it like that, it makes the show feel so distinct.