Lily The Moo

Because a Wii wasn’t 800+ dollars and the wiimote wasn’t another 800 dollars. Yet I still want a Vive for my brand new gaming PC.

The great thing about modern technology is that, while stop motion is quite difficult, advances like 3D printing can go a long way to help making these movies a lot easier. Laika has used it at least as far back as Paranorman and Coraline to a lesser extent, and Anomalisa used it as well, even highlighting it to some

I do only when I wonder ‘What the fuck? What killed me?’ Otherwise most of the time I just skip it.

Honestly, agree. The premise is pretty great, but the characters are flat and the entire book really just devolves into geek wish fulfillment. It almost reads like bad fanfiction.

The worst part is they didn’t avoid it with Saito or Boma, but on Batou? One of the most recognizable characters in the series? NOPE! Can’t put one of his most visually defining traits on him.

Junkrat feels out of place to me, he's not the type of character to dress so properly. Also, Tracer looks vaguely masculine, like she could be a character out of a shoujo Manga. Still, love the others, particularly Mei's.

It'll be hard to see this really catching that Firefly flair without the actors. What really made the show to me was the cast and the writing, which, together, very quickly painted a rich cast of characters you felt like you knew well within such a short amount of time. Don't get me wrong, when it's out I'll probably

It’s like Saban/Toei decided to make a Transformers live action TV series. Why couldn’t this have happened during my childhood?

Honestly, from everything I’ve read, unless you’re set on getting two cards to crossfire/sli, the 1060's better. Performance is better on a single card, power efficiency’s better, and it’s more readily available, but the 1060, unlike any of Radeon’s RX cards or the other cards in the GTX 10 series, doesn’t support

The 1060 is closer in price point to the 480, so if you can find one you’re probably just better off getting a 480. That being said, the 460 comes out on Monday, look for benchmarks of that. Hopefully the price point on that will be better than the 470's without too significant a drop in performance.

I don’t know about that, the BVS trailers didn’t dazzle me. If anything the only good thing I can really say about them is that the three minute one they showed early on pretty much kept me from needing to finish watching the rest of that boring dreck of a film by showing all of the important bits.

To be fair, and I hate saying this because it helps MRA jerk offs that relish in the idea of it failing, that’s a flop. A movie studio sees only about 60 percent of what the movie makes during it’s run. So for a movie to be profitable it needs to make about twice what it cost to produce, not to mention whatever else

Fish dicks, obviously.

They should have done the same for Niantic too, before Pokemon Go came out.

I always just assumed it had to do with the budget. To my understanding the moment an actor says a word on a show they get paid differently than someone who doesn’t. Hell, if you watch a procedural crime show like CSI, Bones, Castle, et cetera, you can sometimes easily figure out who it is just by asking yourself if a

Please, please, for the love of Odin, Beta Ray Bill.

Finally, the Futurama spin off we never knew we wanted but... wait, not that Pazuzu? What am I going to do with all these ‘Bon nuit. Bon nuit to you all’ t-shirts now?

Don’t forget that when it premiered at Sundance they distributed flyers asking if anyone saw the actors in the movie. Some people at the festival, after seeing the film and all the guerrilla advertisements, thought the movie was real.

I remember this game from when I was a kid, I never got a chance to play it on my computer for some reason, couldn’t get it to run. I lost it, never found it, have always wondered what it was called. Could never ask if anyone knew, because I never got a chance to play it and my memory of the box was foggy. 20 years. I

I’m not so sure. I wasn’t a big fan of Brave and the Bold because it was too goofy, but the humor was pretty on point and the action looked good. Sure, the art’s a little juvenile, but it’s fresh and crisp, and certainly better looking than the travesty that is TTG.