Lily The Moo

I’d say less ‘Saw’ and more ‘Peter Jackson in his old splatter gore days(aka the good old days)‘.

Well, you can always just spend a day painting over a wall. Covering or removing full back tattoo would be a little more difficult, and painful.

I loved the trailer but... I feel like they could have used a few more dick jokes.

The hipster is strong with this one.

It’s always Stewart Stewart Stewart. Where’s the love for Kyle Rayner? Huh?

This episode rather reminded me of Mad Max Fury Road. Only in broad strokes mind you, but all of the talk about breeders, the people who invaded the building, and desert environment. Again, broad strokes.

I think this fits better than Merida’s guest star role on the last season of Supernatural. Playing Crowley’s mother all season and there’s no mention of bears at all? Disappointing.

I highly recommend Source Code. It’s not as great as Moon, which is a high bar to surpass, but it’s still a damn fine movie, and certainly does show that Jones isn’t just a one hit wonder of a director.

Keep waiting then, because it was canceled quite a long time ago. It seems quite unlikely that it’ll be picked up for continuation, especially after this much time has passed.

It’d be hard to pick out a singular scene in the entire anime that is more balls out insane than another... though there are a few really awkward mother daughter bonding scenes.

Gaaaah, July 28th for the new Sandman Slim novel! TOO FAR AWAY!

It does! And I just learned Grossman wrote Soon I Will Be Invincible, which was a delightful book, so I’m quite tempted to get it!

Yeah, Superman’s never really blown me away, but as I understand DC’s changed him quite a bit recently. He’s become more vulnerable to the point here he doesn’t fly anymore because of a power he developed that allowed him to go supernova at the cost of his powers. An interesting development. Not enough to get me to

Do bats carry ebola? I’m not sure I see that they do. They definitely carry rabbies though, why not go with that? Have Alfred put down another foaming at the mouth orphan, and maybe make a joke about Jason Todd.

Every time I click one of these articles I end up wondering ‘Am I the only one that doesn’t think this looks like a steaming pile?’ I mean, so far everything seems to be made with the right train of thought, nodding to the original while setting itself apart. The jumpsuits look like Ghostbusters jumpsuits, this looks

I’m going to bring this up because it does kind of bother me: These movies really shouldn’t have happened, or at rather, their stories shouldn’t have. The whole time traveling machine being capable of only sending organic material to the past seems like complete baloney. Skynet sends the T-800 in, bubble forms around

Second on Runaways, also, cast Bruce Campbell as Mysterio. Yes, it’s not Sam Raimi directing it, but IT’S FUCKING BRUCE CAMPBELL. There’s nothing that man can’t do. Seriously, he did fucking Santa and it was 100 percent awesome.

Except for, you know, the n in IstaNbul.

John Oliver is in Arkham Knight? He does not look well