Lily The Moo

Still my favorite line regarding Hodor

If I recall correctly Edgar Wright likes to have fun with this kind of thing by picking really strange words to replace the swears. For Scott Pilgrim he replaced Ass with Owl, and he even put a cut together of the cable edits on the Blu-Ray version.

While these videos aren't great, and probably contributed to the show being canceled, I would say quoting Daniel Tosh makes your taste in comedy a bit questionable.

Someone with a lot of money needs to get on making this into a real thing. It'd probably be the only form of Soccer Americans would actually watch.

First off, she shoots the arrow off screen, so she's not shooting at anyone in the first place. As long as there's nothing in the path it would probably be on the show's already bloated budget if they just cg'd in the fire and not the whole damn arrow.

I know this might sound insane, but maybe she could have shot an actual arrow?

A lot of the stuff I understand them doing that way, but even Ygritte's arrow? Can the actors not be trusted with any kind of pointy objects?

This, seriously. Has no one learned anything from the Nintendo 3DS? People bought it, most of them turned off the functionality because it didn't add much and drained the battery, then they released a cheaper version that completely lacks it.

And you would bet correctly.

I totally do mean that guy, great picture to use too.

At the risk of being called a racist, I swear I've seen this guy show up in half a dozen Stephen Chow movies.

To be fair, EVERYONE loves Batman because he's fucking Batman.

I don't know why it didn't occur to me until now, but those Old Spice commercials really are kind of like American adaptations of Japanese commercials. All of those Japanese commercials that we have snickered at for complete randomness has just been channeled, fabulously, into shilling out male grooming products. I

Of course, because Godwin's Law.

Or as people on youtube would put it "GAY AND FAKE"

The only person they could have cast as Aquaman that would have gotten my attention more would be Bruce Campbell, and let's face it, he's too old and doesn't fit.

Not only is this movie absolutely great, but it's so rich with references to so many other horror movies.

I took the test twice. The first time I didn't check every option that sounded right during the first half of the quiz, so I went back and did it again to see if it changed anything. Nope, US Black Vernacular/Ebonics both times.

I'm not saying that they did, but the length of these sins has gone from tired cliches that can be said in a breath to long nit-picking details. Everything wrong with the Avengers was 3 minutes long, and indeed most of the older ones barely break the 10 minute mark. Now they're all pretty much past that, with the

Zombies typically don't seem to be able to swim, but either they sink to the bottom because their bodies become so water logged and walk along the sea/lake/river bed, or, as I believe was mentioned in the World War Z book, they float because their decaying bodies fill up with gasses and rise to the top.