Lily The Moo

Why does Doctor Manhattan need a gun and why are his legs a darker blue?

Oops, actually, it was Death Troopers, I just thought of Red Harvest because of Blue Harvest.

I'll admit to not being a big follower of the Star Wars EU, but one of the few stories I have read from the EU is Red Harvest. While adapting that for a movie probably wouldn't work because of it's usage of Han Solo, I would think something that takes elements from that, maybe set it from the perspective of a Storm

Fair enough(though I would say Flash Gordon to that list is a dubious addition), so then I guess I should say a bad sci-fi movie from that period that tried to capitalize on the growing popularity of the genre. I mean Channing Tatum is a damn albino Werewolf and Mila Kunis is a caretaker who is completely unaware of

The reaction it encourages certainly is NSFW

Most of what they've done has been pretty mediocre, but The Matrix had a very influential style, and V for Vendetta, though not completely faithful, was a damn good adaptation of a comic.

Honestly, I think the whole "this was when The LEGO movie came out" thing is complete bullshit. The premise of the movie is equal parts meh and insane. It sounds like something that was written for a sci-fi movie in the late seventies or early 80s, and, special effects aside, it looks that way too.

Does this count? I mean, they used to be three Dorats.

I just can't believe these bowling tricks shots are real

Although adorable, I think something that perhaps should be reminded when talking about french bulldogs is that they typically cannot breed or deliver naturally because of interbreeding. It's kind of sad.

I'd say, though they have vampiric qualities, they resemble zombies more in their demeanor. Exception to a few like the master, most of the Vampires are fairly animalistic creatures who seem to act more off of instinct. The way they feed is also fairly different from most vampires, being a meaty tongue rather than

Kids these days... now I feel ten years older.

I must be weird then, because whenever I buy a game from a Steam sale I play it. Maybe not with Humble Bundles, because they put a lot of games into those and I usually only have an interest in one or two of them, but Steam sales I'm very frugal.

Fair enough. I could have sworn I remember him around the time of the last election going anti-nuclear, but it was a while ago, and come to think of it, that might have been more nuclear stockpile than power plant.

More clean energy resources such as solar, wind, nuclear, wave, etc.

Homefront was a deeply average shooter with a compelling premise,

Number two on this list is also not very fitting there, because he seems to completely miss that Class Trainers are the only place to respec your classes now, which is fairly significant.

Ugh, I find this guy annoying. His videos pop up on the WoW reddit all of the time, they're not very funny, and his voice is annoying.

He looks like a white actor on the set of Cloud Atlas during the Neo Seoul segments.