Lily The Moo


If it looks like a raccoon, occasionally walks like a raccoon, calls itself a raccoon, and wields large destructive weapons like... a rocket? Whatever, it's a raccoon.

As great as Rocket Raccoon, is he is not really complete without Groot, which better come with a button that causes him to say "I AM GROOT!"

The cosplay is not complete if the girl's parent(s) are not dressed up as titans.

I don't believe that is the costume. In fact, a picture I saw of that figure on Collider standing next to one of the more recent comic Iron Man suits seems to indicate that it is just a replica of the comic design.

As much as I'm looking forward to the movie, and how great most of these toys look, I do think that Star Lord's costume is incomplete. That mask without the rest of the helmet just looks down right strange.

Nostalgia is a good thing sometimes, but in this case I think it would have been better to go with something a little more modern.

What'll they think of next? A string that connects two iPhones across a modest distance so you can talk to each other maybe? I can see it now, TiNCAN.

I love Face Off, and I'm rather excited about this Jim Henson show, but God do some of these game shows look stupid as hell. That one about movie sets was boring and uninteresting, I'm not even going to bother with that past meets future big brother show, and now they're doing one about carving? That sounds worse than

Well, it is kind of a shitty super power. I mean, it kind of means he can pretty much jump in front of one bullet or jump on one grenade a day. All of those other dangers are free game after that until he get spontaneously birthed out again by his mother again. That's the kind of power that gets reserved for a not

That doesn't mean that it borrows from Torchwood, just from the idea of immortality and its effects, which has been a device for writing fiction for a lot longer than Torchwood's been a thing.

If by a ton you mean that there are characters who cannot die are the focal point, then yes?

That first video was kind of disappointing. I was hoping that they would knock down that clock tower, but nope, slowly picking it bit by bit. IT'S A TOWER! MOVE PEOPLE AWAY AND KNOCK THAT SUCKER DOWN KAIJU STYLE!

So... they're making a Top Gear game? Because between all of the car crashes, the beat up cars, and the three wheeled car flipping that's what I see here. If not, they really should get in contact with BBC.

You forget the king of command pads, the Logitech G13!

So you're saying Superman is responsible for the Polar Vortex?

I do recall there being a scientific study saying that he might not be dead, but yes, that did slip my mind.

It also occurs to me that Gina Torres has kind of replaced Morena Baccarin in this matter now that she's on Suits(and is still a bad ass). Much of the rest of the crew is probably free though, unless Alan Tudyk is being an awesome voice actor in yet another great animated film.

Well, step 3 of the 5 step program to get Firefly back on the air is kind of done because Morena Baccarin is pretty much done on homeland now. The only problem left would be step 2 and 5, because Castle I think is still going fairly strong.