Lily The Moo

You know, I see a lot of people comparing Space Dandy to Cowboy Bebop, which is kind of understandable, but I'll be honest, it reminds me more of Outlaw Star than Bebop. They were similar, but Cowboy Bebop, while it had its silly moments and humorous episodes, was decidedly more serious, while Outlaw Star was a little

It's kind of cool, but it's also incredibly creepy how the camera stays perfectly positioned on his face. It somehow makes it seem like his head is not attached to his body, and the music manages to make it creepier.

Perhaps not, but that really is why a game of such a nature could not really ever be made. In fact, I'm now recalling that the idea wasn't even a serial killer simulator, but more of a build-your-own-horror-movie-villain game.

I once thought a serial killer type game might be kind of interesting. You pick your target, learn about their habits to position yourself for the right time, and their fears to utilize against them to make them uneasy and sloppy. Almost like survival horror where the roles were reversed, Manhunt meets Eternal

To be fair, it is definitely a version.

I was severely disappointed by this episode, but there were two things I did particularly like about this episode. One was Handles the Cyber-man head. I could have done with an episode that introduced him and enjoyed a little more of the back and forth between Handles and the Doctor before his batteries wore out.

What, no Absol? That's just not right.

As much as I loved Pacific Rim, and I fucking LOVED that movie, the music was probably impressed me the most about it because I did not expect to enjoy it just as much, if not more, than the action scenes in the movie itself. The music heightened the experience brilliantly and was damn catchy, which seems rare for a

Some of those designs, while a little crazy, actually make sense and fill a purpose, but the bicycle for the family with sewing machine really seems like one of those specialized inventions that people make fun of.

If he were to take over for the Doctor it would make that scene in Day of the Doctor where those time lords say "No sir! All thirteen!" wouldn't make a whole sense. Then again, it really could just be a red herring. *shrug*

Wait, that's CG? Holy shit, that's fucking beautiful.

I really love the whole clothing/tailoring motif that is going on. Ryuko's sword is half of a pair of scissors, the villain is basically trying to rule the world through the clothes they manufacture at her school, the group trying to stop them(and somewhat trying to help Ryuko in a mutual foe sort of way) utilizes

Said it on io9 before and I'll say it here: Santa is a Time Lord. The sleigh is his Tardis and he travels back just far enough to deliver every gift on time in one day.

That is some damn ominous music for a video about wavelengths of light coming from the sun.

I still need to read Gun Machine, but I loved Crooked Little Vein, so I'm looking forward to reading it.

I thought this was some genuine method to improve your handwriting, which I have some genuine interest in because my handwriting has been shit since I was a kid. I am disappoint.

Get Lucky was a pretty big hit, plus there was that whole ordeal with them appearing on the Colbert Report that got canceled because of the MTV Music awards

If they truly kill off Rumpelstiltskin I'd be done with the show. It's entertaining enough, but Robert Carlyle always has and always will be the best reason to watch this show just as her was for Stargate Universe. However if they don't bring him back...

Seems to work in US on Hulu.

I would argue that the superior version of that would be Fane(feign) or Beign rather than Bain.