Lily The Moo

Whoa, no NSFW tag for that multiplayer gif? Not everyone wants to see frogs getting it on.

What other mecha movie?

I had no intention of seeing this movie in 3D because... well, typically movies in 3D don't really add much. Now I have a reason, because every theater I go to is pretty much a Regal theater, and if that means I get an awesome fucking poster then 3D it is.

I just hope that Fox has the common sense not to try and air this on Fox, but instead air it on FX. If it was successful it wouldn't be nearly as profitable, but I think it would be a better fit for that channel with shows like American Horror Story, and The Americans rather than all of the reality shows that they

Alright, first off, I guess the the fairy girls might know about beer and what not from all of the mind probing they've been doing. Fairy osmosis?

I'm not sure which is more terrifying, the Villager's soulless stare, or the Dub step.

As I recall it was Buster Keaton's movies that lead Jackie Chan to start working as a stuntman that eventually lead him to be the crazy stunt-doing motherfucker he is as well as his self-deprecating sense of humor, so it's fairly fitting to see those two together on this list.

Did it at least insult you or threaten to destroy you one day when the Robot rebellion started?

For a moment there I thought I was on io9 and this topic was about the mediocre BBC sci-fi TV show about people living on a colonized planet in the future. I'm glad to learn that was wrong.

I used to have my Lego set, or at least most of it, in a tub exactly like that. Tons of pieces from dozens of different sets and various instruction manuals because even as a kid I wanted to have them just in case.

Why does there need to be something that starts a rumor mill for Half-Life 3? Someone coughing is usually enough to start a rumor about Half-Life 3.

It usually is, but it can come in a lot of varieties. There's this theater down in Los Angeles that I used to go to when I spent more time down there that sold pretzels that were long and fluffy and was somewhat similar the bun on that burger as far as the type of dough went. They also had awesome pizza, but that's

Unless I'm mistaken Del Toro has said he's lost some interest in making At The Mountain of Madness because of Prometheus' similar premise, rating and budget.

Fuck me, I don't know how Ben being Warlow just flew over my head like that.

God, I really hope this movie doesn't end up ruining any future prospects for Del Toro directed films because of some piece of shit Sandler comedy. I mean, he's probably set for life with all of the consulting work he does on Dreamwork's animated movies, but de mas Del Toro de... better... I'm really bad at spanish.

Because, despite the fact that it's a show about IT guys, the show doesn't really revolve around them doing IT stuff. It shows up from time to time, but that's more setting than anything. In the four series that they did that two minutes is about like 80 percent of the IT jokes that they do.

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They don't really pander to the nerd culture though, no more than say Spaced did by having Simon Pegg play Resident Evil. Yes, there are references to games and the geek subculture, but it's not like the entire show relies on making references to obscure physics thought experiments every 10 seconds that 99 percent of

Yeah, one last episode because... well, why not?

Moss in court, I think it was the final episode of the fourth series.

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This one is perhaps my favorite. I don't think any sitcom has made me laugh as hard as this one two minute scene made me laugh.