Lily The Moo

I was kind of hoping for a moment there the kid had come to his senses and was leading the guy to his parents. I was disappointed to learn I was so very wrong.

Joss Whedon's Much Ado About Nothing opened this weekend... but really, unless you live in cities with really arty-fartsy theaters chances are you're not anywhere that has it playing. Fucking shame.

I saw the yesterday. I liked the concept, but oh my god did I hate those characters. I spent that entire movie hating each and every one of them for their sheer utter stupidity. They were all idiots, particularly the boy who not only put them in that entire situation in the first place, but puts them in more danger

Didn't the military teach Venturestein diction, not Jorge? Also, isn't Cartoon Network owned by Warner Brothers anyway so they wouldn't have to worry about being sued?

It's not a new IP, it's an old IP that they twisted into something else entirely.

How does tearing holes in the fabric of space time translate into firing cars at people?

At the first glance I thought that was a picture of Amy Sedaris in an air force uniform. I'm still not entirely convinced it isn't.

He might not have been infected by the Klingon Augment Virus that would have caused him to lose his ridges, or even had them added back through surgery.

Hey, if J.J. Abrams can direct both Star Trek and Star Wars who's to say Luke Perry can't be Inspector Spacetime and The Doctor?

It kind of bothers me that Leonardo didn't pull the Lance of Longinus from that guy's chest. He already stole it and obviously it's pretty fucking awesome. Take the spear, maybe hold onto it for more defensive purposes, maybe use it for some experiments, or even give it to Lorenzo Medici so he can go all crusade on

Nathan Fillion is great(and the only reason to watch Castle) and all, but you seem to forget another very interesting piece of information regarding the new Percy Jackson movie: Anthony Steward Head. Ripper himself will be featured in the movie as Chiron, the greek Centaur, possibly as a recast of Rick Riordan from

Well, it is memorial day, which is a bank/federal holiday.

As far as recent LOOKITMEIMSMALL adventures go I think I prefer Miyazaki's The Borrower Arrietty adaptation more. There were less unfunny jokes and 100 percent less Pitbull.

It took me a little bit to enjoy the album, particularly because it's such a different sound from Daft Punk's usual affair, but I really do kind of dig it. Beyond in particular shines on the album to me. That orchestral opening sounds like something that would be used in an anime from the 80s or 90s to unveil some

That's a pretty good medley of RAM, but those glasses, the tie and his sort of mimicry of Ray Charles/Stevie Wonder was really distracting.

Something occurs to me: Sam had to recite something after every trial he did up to curing a demon. So couldn't he have cured Crowley, then just not recite the incantation?

I thought Helena was dancing with her weird little Fish Knife, to which I thought "Why is no one attacking the chick with the knife?" It makes so much more sense that it's Olivier's tail, and makes it all the more entertaining. I kind of hope Helena turns that tail into a necklace, ala Daryl Dixon's Zombie Ear trophy.

Wait, the male killed the female while trying to breed? Don't fish usually like lay their eggs then the male goes up and fertilizes them? How did he manage to do that wrong?

From what I understand he didn't really die, or at least didn't die forever. Fury saw an opportunity, took the cards from Coulton's locker, hid Coulton away, and lied to the Avengers to get them to rally together, then brought him out when it was no longer necessary for him to be dead.

THANK YOU! Generally speaking I might be a moron when it comes to computers, like I don't actually know how fifty billion teraflop calculations per minute or whatever console developers try to boast when they show off their new platform, but I do know that teraflop is not a measurement of space, and most people