Lily The Moo

I really hope Miyazaki makes that Porco Rosso sequel before he retires for good or, god forbid, knock on wood, et cetera, croaks. It's easily my favorite Ghibli/Miyazaki film, and I would love to see where that story leads.

Because Kojima is a Moby of a dick for teasing it this way.

I just love that they have a Belgian Malinois on the show. My first dog was a pure bred Malinois that got loose from my neighbor that we ended up getting so attached to that our neighbor agreed to sell him to us. Huge dog, despite being the runt of the litter, and also one of the most gentle, sweetest and loyal dogs

The design didn't make much sense to me. I mean, you spend a trillion dollars, or however much they put forward for the project, and the environmental suits you make have giant vulnerable bubble helmets that are made of glass(or at least they seemed like glass by the way one of them shattered)? I'll grant that it

... wat?

I'm surprised Prometheus' horrible giant glass bubble helmets were not anywhere to be seen in the video.

Yeah, it occurred to me a few days ago that December 21st didn't seem so arbitrary, what with it being the winter solstice. I mean, logically it would make sense to the Mayans to being and end the year on a significant day like the first day of winter instead of some random day two weeks later.

I used to have that one. I had no problem with it at all and I was like ten.

Whelp, I guess we found the gimmick for Paranormal Activity 5. So long Kinect, hello Wii U.

Wow, I did not expect the peacekeepers to look like that. I'm not sure what I expected, but certainly not that.

More like just over 14,000 bucks.

This, it said at the end of the video, around 2:45.

Yeah, I don't know about you but t's not exactly encouraging when the story for one game is recycle from their other series, in which much of the gameplay was recycled. So, quality or not, this does not make me excited in the least.

Fair enough, but really, after Halo you would think they might want to stray away from that same basic storyline a little more than just a good race of aliens helping them in the first game.

Is it just me or does the storyline not sound immensely different from Halo?

Yeah, I was thinking this myself, but honestly I don't recall the flotation belts serving a great deal of purpose in the books. Granted, they helped explain how even the more impoverished districts who might not have the means to learn how to swim got out of the water area, and one tribute used his to deflect an

Mine is Veras Gunn, which simply came down to me one day trying to figure out a unique handle that sounded cool and didn't have numbers or weird characters in it. At the time I was watching reruns of Angel on TNT for weeks, and Gunn was not only an amazing character on the show, but an amazing name at that. Veras came

The suits were later used in a Voltron porno. Everyone was forming the head and hands. It was messy.

Watching this video makes me think of just how cruel the build-a-bear workshop would be.

Thinkgeek had the BSG coasters on sale for 12.95 a few weeks ago, so I snagged a set for my oak desk. They are absolutely stunning.