
I forgot to tell my poultrygeist story! I have written about it before, but here it is:

It depends, if it's typical brain dead stuff that average people watch or do? less than 1 hour a day.

I work for the Social Security Administration. My job title is Disability Adjudicator, but I usually explain it like, "I'm the guy who decides if people who apply for disability are really disabled." I also live in a state with a large population of impoverished, unemployed people, and a relatively high percentage of

Something else that I've seen, in my days working at a women's clinic as a volunteer, and then working in health policy: be very careful to whom you disclose if you were abused as a child, assaulted as an adult, or a victim of DV. I saw virtually no victim blaming related to this, but there are other ways it can haunt

Actually, in my case I know of two.

I hear this a lot, but as a woman who's been conventionally unattractive all my life, and who developed very early, I've had strange men shouting hateful shit about how ugly I am and how dare I pollute the world by existing since I was nine years old. Women haven't always been nice, by any means, but the aggressive

"Why can't we stop the stupid competition?"

It's such an outrage that a group like Anonymous has to be the ones responsible for starting the wheels of justice here. There's the video, the girls' ages, the rape kits, the house burning down, the loss of her mother's job, the bullying of her brothers, and yet it takes a national spotlight on the whole freaking

It goes both ways. Usually it's something like this:

Why is it that every time a guy says "I'm a nice guy" he's turns out to be a complete ass hole.

Can I say how much my blood boils when people pull the whole, "Oh, women hate other women/are jealous of other women" thing?

When my company came back from Iraq a general ordered a bunch of colonels to guard the incredible number of firearms we'd carried with us and the rest of us were loosed to stretch our legs. Some people didn't bother to leave their sidearm holsters behind on what was, at the moment, the World's Most Heavily -Armed and

That's the best summation if the issue as it pertains to Jezebel I've seen!

"RUN to your accounts and take down anything that makes it easy for your male friends to imagine you naked in your bedroom."

The "make-up free" phenomenon is bullshit. It's an extension of the idea that the woman is public property, and that what she does with her body is everyone else's business.

I agree with you, but is there anything wrong with having some nice things? Do us broke and poor folk need to live in squalor until we have enough money to afford luxuries? I don't think that's fair. We deserve to have happiness in our lives and if having an iPhone is like the ONLY luxury you buy in a while, then why

I think what is so lovely about this video (besides the obvious), is how much JOY these parents seem to take in their child. I am probably going to to remain child free, but this was maybe the first video I've ever watched, ever, that makes me think having a kid wouldn't be a horrible, horrible thing.

NEVER NEVER NEVER HAVE SEX, even if you want to.

Why assume they're combatants? Because I doubt they are.

I am sure if you had a high school of any half decent size, you had a few (not by choice) geek girls.