Sasha and Malia's Mom

That was a very touching video honestly

“Your decision to assault was calculated, precise, devious, despicable,” Aquilina said. “You played on everyone’s vulnerability. I’m not vulnerable.=

Women are cast as the moral backbone of the society, so they become the custodians of sex. It’s men’s to take and women’s to keep. A woman’s worth is tied to how fiercely she guards it, so boys are conditioned to think ‘good girls’ say no and they are the ones worth pursuing. Her worth increases the more they have to

OMG the way she calls him “Larry” (I’m sure she was supposed to call him Dr. Nassar during all those years) is dripping with such perfect condescension. POWER move, 15.866 total score.

I clerked for Judge Aquilina in law school. I can’t imagine her response to Nassar’s request for a pity party for having to listen to all his victims. I’m sure she kept her cool and remained professional, but behind closed doors I bet she let loose. I have no doubt she’ll throw the book at this asshole.

That’s Extremely Worrying: The US School System

One thing I’ve noticed is that a lot of the creepy men do creepy things when you aren’t with another man, like it’s some weird dominance thing. If you’re just you, then you’re a woman so he’s obviously better, but if you’re with a man, he then thinks maybe you’re his property (gag) and doesn’t want to infringe on

I disagree with your simple test. I also agree I would have a hard time passing it because I enjoy beer way too much.

It’s unreal. Macy’s now feels like KMart did 15 years ago.

To the post-grad living at home: Maybe I misunderstood, but it seems like your parents are playing you and Morgan off each other (you reading texts on Mom’s phone - I assume with her permission?). Or, at the least, your parents should be firmly and resolutely stopping your sister from hurling about all of these false

Is it wrong of me that I’m waiting for the next breaking celebrity headline to be that one of them is a crackhead or serial cheater? I just love seeing Christian couples implode. I’m sick, I know.

What it ultimately boils down to is: there are many more exceptional women out there than there are exceptional men. Ninety percent of the older single (unpartnered) women I know are intelligent, attractive and have many loving relationships with family and friends. I really cannot say the same about the older

When the first guy I dated after years of being alone (because of weird emotionally abusive almost relationship fucked me up) ghosted me, I was shocked by how devastated I was. It had only been 3 dates. It wasn’t like I was in love. You perfectly described that feeling. It was shocking and abrasive. I’ve had trouble

“What I’ve actually learned is that the work of keeping your path clear is a continual process, one so all-consuming that you may not ever have the time to look up and see where you’re going”

that’s how I feel when all I’ve had was salad

not a good idea

I hate to resort to capitals, but a quick note to Bannon, McConnell, Trump and the rest:

Can we please discuss the fact that Natalie is sexually harassed by the President, and then when the PM sees it he doesn't say anything and Natalie spends the rest of the movie apologizing for her own harassment?!? Crappy plot lines are one thing, but encouraging the idea that women are at fault for being harassed is