
Ah so you never made it off the great plateau and your opinion is therefore uninformed got it.

Bruh hillary lost the election by refusing to campaign, and by offering nothing to potential voters. She also supported trump’s nomimation cause she thought he’d be easy to beat. Liberals hav me absolute brain rot, please join us on the left wing where we actually care about people instead of caring about brunch.

Hillary and the dnc encouraged and supported trump’s nomination cause they thought he would be easy to beat.

You are an absolute idiot. Maybe next time don’t nominate a right wing “democrat” who offers literally nothing to voters.

“This seems to be correct!” You claim based on nothing...

No it doesn’t, if you read the article or knew anything about her you would understand that activism is important to her. Unlike you she’s having a positive effect on the world.

Who told you that 2 adults being in a relationship is predatory? You’re comparing children being raped with an 18 year old choosing to date a 29 year old.

The word “whip” means to drive, or it can also be used as a noun, meaning a vehicle. It does not mean whatever you think it does.

More than 90% of murder victims are men just fyi

Naw bro that’s not how word definitions work, dictionaries are meant to be desciptive not prescriptive.

This joke is stupid and makes no sense

The game doesn’t expect or even encourage you to explore every inch of it, no open world games do. Botw does an exceedingly fantastic job of givng you fun things to do at your own pace while still making important progress.

Yeah you’re just brainwashed by the shittiness of america

“Wishing her the smoothest brain”

God forbid the article actually have a point to make

Because the comics and movies are entirely different but the mcu characters are the same characters in different movies? Your comment makes no sense.

Making the planet habitable is actually more important than already rich people making even more money. The film is excellent btw.

No there isn’t

Well it clearly is though, transphobia is alarmingly common even among those who consider themselves to be opposed to conservatives

It’s pretty easy to justify considering how extensive the accessability options already were on release