
Your shitty little show isn’t gonna help anyone

It’s literally not destruction of property in any way, fuck off idiot.

How so? They are reporting on something that happened?

The mainstream media has convinced a lot of people to despise china and russia, you’re ignorimg that.

Nothing on kotaku is news, it’s more than 50% ai generated shlock

One side burns medical studies about transgendered people to erase their existence, and the other side cringes when they see offensive slurs, those are not the same actions.

The people who blame the “woke mob” are the biggest defenders of capitalism

No one is “judging” her, or said anything bad about her. Did you read the article?

nothing about lovecraft country is famous

What a pathetic consoomer you are, do you even like him as an actor? Or did you just think you were supposed to?

Wnba players are not rich, rich people own sports teams not work for them

Jezebel’s insane hatred of this man continues, thankfully no one who isn’t being paid for it agrees

No need to bash on communists, don’t do the right’s job for them.

Roberts was always trash, he was the chosen justice of big business and both parties support big business hence why he ended up in charge

Kotaku literally doesn’t have editors, and hasn’t for years.

He isn’t claiming they are fake, why are you trying to do his astroturfing for him?

Why are you talking to yourself?

Kylie we all know how toxic and creepy you are so no surprise that you’re confused by adults behaving normally

Based on tar he probably just wants to sit at home all day sniffing his own farts

Because kotaku covers ai issues and has for years