
Guess what? They’re all liars! And 3 of the last 5 presidents are rapists!

The nfl blacklisted Colin Kaepernick for kneeling during the national anthem, plus countless other incidents of racism, and institutional racism in the nfl.

Accurate though

It’s the equivelent of snape kills dumbledore though, obviously the lore of the games means nothing to you if you aren’t already playing the game dummy.

The goblins in hp have always been anti-semitic stereotypes, and that criticsim was made from when the first book came out. Don’t comment on things when you are utterly ignorant of the subject. You owe it to yourself and the rest of the commenters to at least do rudimentary research.

You selfish idiot, read your last paragraph again holy crap.

It is imposisble to separate art from artist when the artist is still alive, profiting from her art, and using that profit to harm the trans community. People like you are why trans people no longer believe in the concept of “allies”

It’s almost as if the only people who complain about weapons breaking are people who didn’t play the game, at least not for long

Did you play the game long enough to get off the great plateau? After a dozen hours or so most players have so many inventory slots and high quality weapons that breaking is no longer a bother at all. Getting really sick of this ignorant argument.

Hate to break it to you bud but girls love pussies too

Nothing in the setting of the witcher can be anachronistic because it takes place in the future.

What a foolish and silly deciding factor, it’s an incredibly minor part of botw that no one is bothred by once they make progress in the game.

Funny how 95% of the people who complain about this never made it off the great plateau. If you keep playing you soon will have far more inventory spots and too many good weapons to keep track of!

Would have been if if wasn’t like 2 hours long

Oh shut up you turd, at least stand behind what you said.

Deadspin hasn’t had a comment section since they fired everyone a couple years ago

Wow the whole point of both sides of the argument went completely over your head!

Players don’t trade themselves, please kylie don’t ever write about sports again it’s pathetically uninformed.

The very fact that they’re doing it means they already fucked up. KOTH ran for 13 seasons and the last 4 or 5 were already a big dip in quality. Not to mention the deaths of multiple cast members.

What is the point of this comment? Why make comments on posts you didn’t read?