
None of this information was publicly revealed until very recently

No one cares about your personal life

He did punch his wife in the face and threaten to murder her in front of their children

Kotaku is pathetic

Women who listen to true crime podcasts enjoy pretending they’re investigators

“I’m someone who can usually get a very accurate sense of a person after just meeting them”

Ah yes the classic “father to a daughter” argument, you’ve still got a lot of internalized sexism to work through bud.

“As Jezebel reported” no ya’ll copy pasted a section of an actual piece of journalism

Please do explain why exactly bowie’s sexual assualts are okay

It helps if you don’t have zoomer brain and can keep your eyes off your phone for 5 minutes

People know how to use google to look up cinema showings

“13 ads for Megan disguised as articles”

Meaningless trivia? Fuck off

“usher in an era” horror movies have ruined themselves by sticking to pg-13 to try to get a bigger audience forever. I guarantee you it was happening decades before you were born.

Filmmaking is an art actually

most people know how to use google and/or check their local theater showings, your smarminess isn’t helpful

Megan was long done by the time terrifier 2 came out, horror movies have been ruining their potential by sticking to pg-13 for decades

The character being queer has nothing to do with the actor, every comment along the lines of “of course he is” is completely idiotic.

That isn’t a counterpoint it’s just a random fact about you

Black women do not benefit from your fake concern