
You are a bad person.

It’s just funny that the most fiancially succesful film of all time is so unmemorable, you’re putting way too much thought into it

Damn you really out here licking james cameron’s boots lmao

Democrats are corporate controlled and deeply anti-labor as well fyi

Hate to break it to you but biden and the democrats are very anti-labor as well

“I plan on seeing it in theaters (just not right now)“ you’re gonna miss your opportunity

Gen x is the most despised of all generations for a damn good reason


She said nothing about creepiness or perversion. Please don’t comment on articles you didn’t read.

Everyone everywhere knows multiple addicts, come down out of your ivory tower.

Look at you, having to source your opinions out to the hive mind. Please for the love of god watch films and think about them for yourself, don’t just look at rt scores.

I don’t need to try again, I’m right and you are wrong.

Twice in this moronic article the author refers to the x-men movies as “mcu”. Mcu does not mean movies based on marvel comics. Blade is not an mcu movie, neither is any x-men movie.

No one gives a crap ffs, stop giving free marketing to this person

F. off smogen shill

...which is entirely owned and operated by nintendo.

Because you don’t play multiplayer, so it’s not for you.

Because the single player game is different than the competitive multiplayer, duh.

Thor 2 is like a bowl of mud, by far the worst single mcu movie

And yet the gop has set the entire political agenda for america every year since 1992, they control the courts, they control most of the statehouses, and they get wins for their base. The democrats never deliver on anything for their base, they allow the gop to run the narrative constantly.