
The people we’re discussing don’t have to audition, they get offered the job, that’s the point

Trump would blow biden out of the water in a general election, the only reason biden won in 2020 was the pandemic

Asctually the democrats are trying to do the absolute bare minumum to help normal people while not pissing off their corporate overlords. Even now the democratic party leadership is far more concerned with fighting leftists in their party than fighting republicans.

That was very obviously a joke, if that had been a sincere statement it would make no sense. Please take your meds.

Takei does more work cause he’s been far less successful than Shatner, when you’re rich you don’t need to take every job.

Biden prefers nominating fairly conservative justices, he’s personally responsible for thomas being on the court

Popularized it

You sure are proud of your homophobia

Macho men are a classic gay archetype

This is literally nazi propaganda, everyone who starred this is openly supporting nazi propaganda. The only good nazi is a dead one. You are scum.

We’ve got a DINO president who has devoted his entire career to cutting social spending and being a war hawk, even with a senate full of “progressives” biden wouldn’t let anything transformational happen.

Being a powerful speaker is utterly irrelevant

Manchin and Sinema are convenient covers for all the other conservative democratic senators, if it wasn’t them it absolutely would be someone else

“and everyone understands why”

We don’t know AND we don’t care about their bond in real life, it’s utterly irrelevant

*Anecdotes, also you’re a creep

All multi-millionaires are right wing nutjobs

The lesson from the midterms is that abortion is popular, biden is still massively unpopular

There have been dozens of such articles on kotaku for years you twat

If only electing democrats would actually lead to more protections for abortion...