“Latine” yeah you’re white lol
“Latine” yeah you’re white lol
Yeah those examples you’re giving are from an extremely small but vocal group, doesn’t actually matter at all, stop giving them attention. XIII was a success, hzd2 was a success, rings of power is mostly disliked because it’s bad not because of racists.
this is wrong because almost no one reads or cares about games journalism, especially gamers
“Heckin yikes” please for the love of god stop typing like a 14 year old on reddit
“Seriously, do you just not have proofreaders anymore?”
it’s weird of you to imply that not all artist’s names deserve to be spelled correctly
It’s at least 1/5th blog posts about pornstars and celebrity gossip
This is a bizarre thing for jezebel to be blogging about, all you did was regurgitate the police report.
Clutch your pearls some more you puritanical fool
“Skimmed through”
“The future of horror” quite the opposite actually, it’s a throwback.
They’re too busy writing another dozen “articles” about pornstars and celebrity gossip
That’s the joke dummy
This is true of all film marketing, you must think you’re so hip for needlessly bashing the entire concept of genre film
Untrue and in very poor taste.
Most of his shows went on way too long with multiple seasons at the end considered far worse than the early seasons
Contrapoints is also famous for being very transphobic and bullying trans kids
Your opinion is irrelevant.
She still is a youtuber who does video essays onlime about pop culture, it’s not in the past tense, although she doesn’t solely upload to youtube, she still has put out multiple essays on youtube since the events you mentioned.
He actually didn’t want to buy twitter at all, he tried to get out of the deal but twitter was able to legally compel him to fulfill their agreement.