
No it actually looks like shit, every few years there’s a manufactured narrative about “new simpsons is actually not that bad now!”, But it’s always a lie.

“It’s as linear and scripted as The Last of Us.”

Revolting number of transphobes in the comments as usual, liberal spaces are not safe for trans people.

Oh yeah and also minimum wage in nyc is more than double what it is in most of the united states

Not just nyc, and not just america either.

Lol no it didn’t

“Us” is everyone who isn’t an idiot, you’ve refuted nothing from their post by the way.

More like 7 or 8of the most highly acclaimed and influential albums of all time regardless of genre. He’s a utter nutjob and radical right scum these days but denying the music is just wrong.

“Only 41%”

“Facts” and “truth” are inherently idealogical

Your personal experience has absolutely no relevance or similarity to this.

Frankenstein (the man) IS the monster, that’s the entire point of the story. I’m sick of this stupid pedantic meme cause it’s not even true. Stop reposting everything you see on reddit.

Your anti-flanaverse takes have aged like milk lmao

But the thing you quoted is still true? Please read your own post and realize that it makes no sense.

Good thing that doesn’t happen then, idiot.

It’s because liberalism is an inherently reactionary idealogy, please move to the actual left, we’d love to have you.

You don’t know what the word “indie” means clearly, the article is fine you just don’t get it, so there’s no need for you to comment.

It’s pretty loosely based on a book, that book is written as a history not a traditonal narrative and character focused novel like asoiaf.

Op ignored it’s wide availability on playstation, if you’re going to be a pedantic turd at least be correct.

I hope it happens with the transphobia cut out