
No he hasn’t, that never happened

The point (obviously) is that mario as a character should not have a lot of dialogue

You think you made a point? Please elaborate.

“Incredibly high expectations”

They do that already, and far more successfully than meta does, as has been shown to you in this series of posts. Do you have some data of your own you’d like to share that makes a case for you?

They know the answer as well, by pointing it out they’re putting meta in a position where they might say the quiet part out loud.

Excellent xenophobia

Great article! I assume this means future jezebel articles will no longer bash men for getting divorced right?

Anyone with good taste is still a fan of his music, and is depressed about what a dipshit he’s become

“tl:dr” that explains why you have nothing meaningful to contribute to the comments. Do not post on things you haven’t read, ever, it’s a waste of everyone’s time.

“The lord of the rings problem”

How much longer is bezos gonna be paying ya’ll to shill for rings of power in every “article”? It’s gotten quite tedious

This comes off as anti-semitic fyi

Not really, that’s very very rare for a reason

Does he address the fact that the racist “backlash” was actually made up by amazon to have something to blame bad reviews on?

It’s not about “having” to pack his suitcase, helping your partner is a normal way to show affection

“There’s a fairly large LGBT presence in the trades in general”

It’s actually normal and healthy for people in a relationship to do things for each other, most people need affection to be a part of their relationships.

No, not at all. She was a musician not an actress. Avclub’s music articles are always uninformed and embarrassing.