
They’re both parties of capitalism, and that is what’s killing us all

No lol, being a moderate is a huge liability in most races

Incel vibes bro

Sexist and ageist, great post dude

Disney absolutely does pay critics with money as well as access in exchange for positive reviews. If you are too good to allow that to happen then congratulations you’re more ethical than most in your industry, but please don’t pretend it’s not true.

You don’t seem to know what either “enabled” or “fratboy” mean

All the fromsoft games (except sekiro) already have lots of things built into the game that make specific things easy, that’s the easy mode, it’s built into the overall design of the game instead of being something you toggle in the settings.

Yeah there’s a huge problem with her priveleged white liberalism, she has no problem loving evil american imperialism.

Lol what, did you seriously not know that the democrats have been the most corporate friendly party for the last 30 years?

No one else is anywhere near as popular as trump is among the republican base

No fat person is hurt by this, at all. Also fat people aren’t a minority or oppressed group.

No it’s cause the show is shit, and tolkien and his son quite publicly didn’t want this to happen. Ignore the racist trolls but listen to the good faith criticism.

Most people are making fun of this cause it’s hilariously bad, not cause of sexism or racism

Naw not really

Got isn’t an alternate version of real europe, the fullest extent of the real world influence on westeros is the fact that lannister sounds similar to lancaster

“Go to china or the middle east”

“Stories” no these are paid ads

No it doesn’t. It’s utter trash. No amount of paid ads in the form of avclub articles will change the fact that the audience score is terrible and trending even more downwards.

Funny to repost this after all the good writers left in a labor dispute, and while arguably the worst corporation in the world (amazon) is paying for this site to be filled with positive articles about its crappy new show

That’s a vocal minority, most people who have watched it are giving it negative reviews. Amazon is paying avclub for positive coverage.