
The majority of gamers aren’t like you, your personal shopping habits are utterly irrelevant.

Network executives are much lower on the evil list than billionaires, politicians, judges, fossil fuel executives, banking executives, etc.

There’s also no context where that is relevant

This is disgustingly elitist and creepy and evil. Fuck you.

Yeah but the gameplay of wildlands ia actually fun and engaging. Boyfriend dungeon is less than 10 hours of fun, and that’s only if you find it fun and enjoy the writing. Most gamers won’t, it’s a minor niche title, wildlands is extremely engaging mechanically and most players prefer a fun mainstream 60 hour game with

You’re white presumbaly, that makes it easy for you to ignore the obvious subtext about your own privilege.

That didn’t happen lol, look into the story don’t just read clickbait headlines

Lmao this is quite a reach, especially at a time when major corporations are trying harder than ever to have the vaneer of progressivism

The x men movies look considerably better than black panther

This is your brain on peak liberal idiocy. Please come to the left and stop helping the fascists.

But steph would be also, the point is that if female athletes were paid similarly to male athletes they wouldn’t have to play oversees during the offseason.

Why are you hopeful we “flipped” this guy? American imperialism is evil just like Russian imperialism is

No that’s rich stright cis white girl culture

Congratulations you recognized the obvious reference

Stop being so horny on main, it’s really really creepy.

It makes abq look wonderful, and it’s extremely accurate.

Bullshit lol

“How does a writer not fluent in latin???”

her plane her responsibility, it can’t fly without her say so

If drake flew in his private jet more than anyone else the memes would be about him