
Of course you don’t know why they hired someone so promiment for a cameo, why would you know anything about why the mcu does what it does?

And straight women can be awfully homophobic

Exploiting other people’s success was literally all that elvis did, he stole songs and dance moves from black artists and repackaged it in a way that was acceptable for white women to buy

No one cares about your utterly uneducated opinion on hip hop, you are literally white bread

This is addressed in the article. The person who miscarried will be the one being prosecuted.

No one owes explanations of basic concepts to you. We aasume you have a baseline level of knowledge when you comment.

Bly Manor is fantastic stfu

“Erm akshually, that famously funny person isn’t funny, sorry to burst your bubble sweetie”

Stop excusing their lack of action!!! The dems have had nearly 2 years to do something, anything! Stop providing them cover for their failures. They wanted roe v wade abolished so they could trick idiots like you to donate more. Ffs.

So you don’t know what coding means?

Those aren’t very deep depths though? Season 7 of Buffy is probably the weakest but it’s still head and shoulders above the vast majority of scripted tv at the time or now


They still would have said curious, the phrase “curious case” is quite well known

Not watching bad tv makes your life miserable? If anything avoiding bad tv would lead to a happier life. I don’t necessarily disagree with your point I’m just pointing out that your comment itself is nonsensical

You’ve confused british and english

Being a pedophile is not what “sussy” means bud

I am beyond horribly disgusted by how many stars these transphobic comments have. This is not a safe place for anyone who isn’t cis.

This game got lots of really good reviews, turns out video game “journalists” don’t bother playing games before doing their reviews

People DO say that about movies and books all the time, stop posting you get owned every time you comment