
The two aren’t comparable, lizzo made a genuine change when she didn’t have to, this guy didn’t.

Your personal opinion is not objective

Nice evil misogeny bro

Stealing all your kids electronics would not be helpful in that situation, that’s pretty much abusive and stupid

“Advocates for castration” so this is all about your sexual insecurity? Why are you on this site you incel?

Give us a rundown of your top 10 slurs you idiotic gen x jerk

Shut up, no one cares that your favorite slur got properly labeled as a slur

To many of us his continued adulation is inexplicable, knowing what we do

Well your opinion on fine art is clearly not meaningful or educated

Those are levels, not zones, the difference is that the word zone is associated with Sonic

Would have been so much stronger as a miniseries, the worst parts of season 1 were the blatant setup for season 2. Now almost all the characters we care about are dead, season 2 is gonna suck.

Trump will still win the presidency if he chooses to run again though, unless the dems nominate bernie

You acknowledged their trans identity, and then you misgendered them anyway.

Them, not him.

Given how most of the articles on this site now are horribly written and unedited ads I’d argue that it’s not clear at all.

That’s perfectly reasonable, no need to be defensive about it.

Liberalism is diametrically opposed to leftism

Ewan isn’t the mvp episode 1, he has literally nothing to do for the whole movie

Very normal things for anyone, none of the things mentioned in the article are exclusive to any population

Laying the groundwork for a future run for office. His vague comments on how to accomplish the goal of reducing gun violence indicate he’ll be a “centrist” democrat aka a comservative. If we genuinely want to reduce gun violence let’s massively defund the police.