
Maybe shut up and let people with disabilities lead this discussion you jerk.

This is disgustingly elitist, you would have literally nothing without the working class.

It always cracks me up when they do these lazy clickbait lists then quote negative reviews in them

Hate institutions, not the concept of religion. You sound like a ignorant childish christopher hitchens loving incel

Calling people “virgin” as an insult is heteronormative and misognystic, but sure go off kid

He also said a lot of things that were pro direct action

“The scene famously”, no, nothing about season 3 is famous or iconic. No one remembers anything specific about season 3 except for maybe the scoops ahoy memes

If you advocate for more gun control but not to abolish or at least massively defund the police then you’re just trying to encourage more white supremecy

Ah yes, 2 straight women doing a commercial for a major corporation, very progressive lesbian content

Shut up you idiot, don’t comment on things you don’t understand.

Your opinons aren’t based on science, feel free to do some research on human sexuality. I can assure you that the scientific consensus disagrees with you.

22 fucking stars on this shit, what the hell

Thanks for the childish libertarian viewpoint, keep your right wing idealogy out of adult conversations.

That’s not what the word autistic means, stop using that word that way, it makes you sound like a 4chan obsessed 15 year old

She was yale educated not “yale trained”

Fun fact, the dalai lama is former slave owner who just wants his personal kingdom back, but he’s anti-communist therefore he’s considered a good person thanks to decades of american propaganda

Well lots of actors can do a good job with bad roles, she’s never been capable of that

Okay fanboy, good luck with your jack sparrow cosplay

He’s not our ally, you are completely misrepresenting his jokes, which are deeply insluting and encourage violence against trans people. You and everyone who starred your comment are transphobic scum.

Good thing no one said or implied that in this article, odd that you decided to bring up “man child gatekeepeers”, another group of people you seem to have made up.