
Probably 0, I doubt casting directors pay attention to non issues like this

It isn’t snarky at all, it’s entirely a description of what happened literally no commentary is made in this article.

It isn’t a myth, it’s a fact, thanks for playing bootlicker.

Carrying cash is not illegal, drug use is not immoral, and the line of thinking behind your post invariably leads to racism.

Lmao, this must be judd apatow’s account

Please tell me where in this article, or any avclub article any of that happened, I haven’t read any of that so I assume you’re confused.

Companies have always chose their location based off of state and local politics

Companies have always decided where to locate based on state and local politics

How much is he paying you to do this pr for him? Surely you’re not just lying for free??

That’s an insanely hot take, that not only BCS is bad but that the entire final season of BB is bad. Terrible opinions.

This article vastly overestimates the popularity of any of these shows

Boy you sure love licking corporate boots

Ffs he’s literally shilling for one of the worst companies in history, stop.

Putting black women into powerful positions of inherently racist institutions isn’t something to cheer about, we need to tear down those institutions entirely.

It’s worth noting the supreme court shouldn’t exist at all, even if it was full of “progressives” it’s an inherently undemocratic institution that only exists to protect the interests of the ruling class.

This article praises the game, stop commenting on articles you don’t read.

Idiocracy is eugenicist crap

Ok boomer

It does mean something to those of interested in analyzing media, but the avclub isn’t unfortunately.

Because of how the article presented it, obviously.