
We can’t have nice things, ever. He is absolutely a predator. 10-15 victims is not a slip-up or youthful poor judgment. 

Don Sr. and Melania, Pence and Mother, The Millers, Jarvanka, Kimye...

CardiB and Offset
Donj and Kimberly
KellyAnne and George

Take it easy on the Us Weekly writer. Everyone makes mistakes. After all, she’s just a girl, in the world.

Truly, their life as pop culture royalty has turned sorrowful, and that ranch has become a tragic kingdom.

That was hella good.

This shit is nuts

You know good and well white folks would lose their minds if there were a Starbucks cup honoring Black people.

“Friends say this move has turned into a nightmare,” the source says. “This is the toughest period they’ve had so far without a No Doubt.”

If LAPD finds the shooter and instead of jail time gives him 2 weeks paid suspension, then I’ll be as upset about this attack as I am about all the other shit. 

As for the image, the site added a GIF over his spacious trousers in the form of a black text box that read: “Image Loading...

True, but visibility is important at this point, and young NB folks deserve someone like them to look up to. The gay rights movement taught us that being out and open is the path towards acceptance.

Fingerhut’s apr is 29.99%!!!

After my cancer surgery, one night I didn’t want to bother a nurse to help me to the bathroom, so I decided to pee in a (disposable!) cup and then dump it in the sink. (In my defense, I was on a LOT of morphine.) I wound up overflowing the cup and peeing on the floor and having to bother a nurse anyway. Then when I

To be fair, when I - a woman - get too drunk, things also get really crazy:

Trump probably routinely refers to teenage girls that way. Cohen’s problem wasn’t her age, it’s that she was his daughter, is my guess.

Is anyone else who has undergone cancer treatment stunned at what he was able to accomplish while he was ill? I couldn’t make it from my hospital bed to the bathroom without peeing on myself because I was so weak it took forver to get out of the bed. Being physically weak is so painful.

I would, however, buy toilet paper with her face on it. And his. Is that a thing?

For me, it’s about “reading the room” so to speak, and being flexible in the moment.  Because there are certainly instances where a face to face breakup is the kindest thing for both people, for achieving closure.  In other instances, I think something nicely written, or a phone call, is better.  I felt like my case