Funny, I always imagined it as Jingleheimer-Schmidt
Funny, I always imagined it as Jingleheimer-Schmidt
Honestly the Bieber thing could go several ways.
“A Ferrari! Oh my...well...that is very generous of you Mr. Bieber. Now, are there any other dates you’d like me to confirm for you?”
Between that and all the ‘HOW DARE YOU’-type comments on the Tweet from Tom Petty’s family, it has become very clear to me that Trump supporters are willfully ignorant on song meanings or can somehow separate music and politics (I personally cannot, but then again I’m a freewheeling liberal and the quality music…
Isis was the best thing about Bring It On, and the evidence points to Gabrielle Union being just as awesome as her character.
Respectfully, you’re missing a rather key component in your assessment of Ms. Lindsay’s point: racism in the 1960's and 70's was both defined as absolutely un-American, but also defined upwards to apply to fewer acts, to the point that today, many people functionally define racism as “things that Bull Connor or the…
I mean, that’s REALLY bad, and it’s unlikely that that’s his only racist hot take. I feel like that level of overt racist hostility should have been screenable.
Lee Garrett compared the NAACP to the KKK in tweets, saying the key difference between them is that at least the KKK covers their faces when engaging in racist action. So it was pretty overt and pretty bad.
I still love the time where Rachel found out that one of the guys on her show had a girlfriend, who showed up at one of the dates where they were playing basketball or at a gym of some sort. She started peppering that guy with lawyer questions and then dismissed him; I think his pride is still left on that basketball…
You guys could start by focusing on the things black and latinx creators are working on. I don’t see any positive coverage about small movements or projects anymore.... but you guys do cover things that are negative and small.
“there were pillars at The Wing that they were to work and live by, called ‘the Isms.’”
My dad refused to work for white men. It pissed me off as a kid because it meant we were always broke.
The Iggy Azalea item made me look her up on instagram, and I say this without any judgement one way or the other, holy forking shirtballs Iggy has had a lot of work done since the last time I looked up her face. I really think if I went offline 5 years ago and logged back on now, I wouldn’t recognise anyone. With that…
My bad. I'm so used to shitty celebrity baby names that I assumed that was it.
You just made me cheer out loud. I work with someone who is constantly using the term “infer” incorrectly. It makes me insane. He’s even worse about it, though, using it as an active verb. “Can you take a look and infer the details here.” Honestly he uses it in such random ways I’m not even sure what he imagines the…
Julianne, happy to discuss the journalistic details of this if you are free.
“Now that you’ve gotten a taste of my rigorous editorial style - any job openings?”
I’m glad he did too, it provided an opportunity for Julianne to point out that makeup is not a requirement for offensive brownface costumes.
I’m thrilled to see that momentum has built enough that more people are willing to speaking out and more allies are supporting them. It’s hard to risk your job and future job prospects when you need to pay the bills. I hope this spreads, because there are examples in every industry.
I only know the food side of it, but I’ve hard a lot of the same problems exist on the journalism side. Like, getting a good job generally means you worked a lot of unpaid internships or horribly compensated spots to “build your resume” in a way that a lot of people just can’t afford to do.