
Much of the Beeb’s upper management are Tories. I haven’t been able to watch Question Time in years. I didn’t even tune in when Fiona Bruce replaced the Dimblebot.

Yeah, Ofcom is basically an arm of the May government at this point, so this whole “investigation" is more than a little suspect.

Wow, that was a damn rousing plug you wrote. I wasn’t familiar with his background, but beyond the editorializing, in this article myself being familiar with British sensibilities, I interpreted the King of the Shade’s words as the driest of sarcasm like straight gin. As we say stateside, he was “telling it like it

Does destigmatizing mental health problems matter if there isn’t healthcare in general and mental healthcare specifically available in the community?

Jon Snow, Krish GM and Cathy Newman are my faves. You’re absolutely right about the diversity of the Channel 4 team compared to other newsrooms. Fatima Manji is great, and Darshna Soni is so fricking professional when they leave London and have to cover the Midlands. I am still trying to come to terms with Liam

This. It pains me to think this clip would lead people unfamiliar with Jon Snow to believe he is some rube who is only just discovering overwhelming whiteness is...a thing. He’s one of the few UK newsreaders who has consistently used his position of influence to move the needle in his industry. I hope people who see

Jay, I’m assuming you are generally unfamiliar with Jon Snow [which, fair enough, one would not expect people outside of Britain to be familiar with our dearest newsreaders], but this out-of-context characterisation of him really is incomplete. As a veteran news presenter, Snow has a long history of being one of the

And the funniest part of the whole shit show is that going forward with brexit is going to put an end to the United Kingdom. All these people think they’re going to be “great again”, but there’s already talk of Scotland cutting ties to the U.K. to get back into Europe, Ireland is already there and I wouldn’t be

When Keeping It Real Goes Wrong - The Brexit/ Grime Re-Mix.

Pro-Brexit people are racist as fuck, but they’re also just against just about anything different. Complaints about “foreigners” invading their country fueled their entire movement, as if the English didn’t do that for hundreds of years. Imagine complaining about foreigners when the most popular food in your entire

The observation was from his pov, so I think it’s a solid one.

This is a disgusting and dangerous take. I’m glad these men have led functioning happy lives and can stand witness for all the others too traumatized or scared to come forward. What does this horrible troll of a woman think, that immaculate victims live ruined, harsh lives?! Being able or unable to find healthy coping

If you know of a crime, and you aid and abet, then you are guilty of the crime. In other words, you could charge those in Kelly’s orbit with conspiracy and aiding and abetting. They don’t have to have run a foul of the reporting statutes.

Wow, this is a bad take. Folks really out here shading Kaep for forcing the NFL to pay him what he deserves and instead holding up Monique, aka “I Cape for White Women who Call Black Women Apes”, as some sort of hero?

Of course there we would be zero outcry.

Abortion, when performed by competent professionals in safe settings, doesn’t put women at risk of major health impacts (despite the lying propaganda of the gov’t-forced-childbirth nutcases & hypocrites).

So basically what you’re saying is, “generalisations are wrong, except when I’m the one making them”


77 percent of women in Nigeria