
There IS the theory that the reason the Jetson houses are all on stilts is because the Earth's surface has become uninhabitable.

I don't understand what's so unique about One Day at a Time that they would need to call this new show a "remake", instead of just saying "Hey, here's a new show!"

"Yes it is!" "No it's not!" "Yes it is!" "No it's not!"…
There, that will save some time.

I'm a former Catholic, and leaving the church was hard because it was more than just a practice, it was part of my identity, my personal heritage. Being Catholic is like being Italian or German or American. Can someone be proud of their German heritage, even after the Nazis? Can they be pro-American after slavery

If it stops people from thinking about the horrid cartoon (as if that had anything to do with the book) when they hear "Watership Down", then good.

In real life, sure. Interesting to see in a TV show, though.

This is such a tiny thing, but was anyone else surprised that Buckley was pretending to be an Autobot…i.e. a good guy? Last season he was all about being a supervillain.

I had the opposite reaction; I was floored when I realized that House and Wooster were played by the same actor. But it must be fun to watch House that way.

One might chalk that up as a difference between the POV of Wooster in the books versus the camera's POV in the show: we're able to see things in Jeeves' expression that Wooster didn't notice. (Although one thing I love about Wooster in the books is how willing he is to concede that he's not very smart and that Jeeves

I don't think that's the point. Just like with the Bechdel test, it's a question of statistics: there's nothing wrong with any individual movie that centers around men, nor is there anything particularly feminist about a movie that centers around women. It's when you see the same pattern over and over again, or

That was the first thing I thought when I saw the headline. :)

No munchies or crunchies?

It's better watching it in retrospect, when you already know what sort of show it is. When it first came out, it ran counter to people's expectations and that hurt it.

On the other hand, because Bilbo didn't kill Gollum when he had the chance, the world was saved.

Either that, or the miniseries could begin with her meeting "interesting new guy" and we could watch the relationship develop in comparison with the others. But I think I like your idea better.

You know, there isn't a rule that says you have to meet your future spouse before you graduate from college. Let Rory end up with someone we haven't met before.

In a world of 7 billion people, every possible opinion is held by *somebody*.

And as an actor, I'll bet he knows how annoying it would be for the next Han Solo to have Harrison Ford hovering over his shoulder the whole time. And he doesn't say he doesn't care about Star Wars, he says he doesn't *worry*. "I don't worry about it now because it's just going to be whatever it is." Zen, not

Elmo is fine; giving Elmo such a dominant role on the show is the problem.

To their credit, the headline doesn't say "the worst wigs of all time"; they only promised 17 bad wigs.