I really want a 3d printed/ foam replica of the gun. What did you make yours out of?
I really want a 3d printed/ foam replica of the gun. What did you make yours out of?
You can make it work! draw out the shapes on paper first and tape them to your arm; keep adjusting until the fit is jusst right. Then, trace those shapes onto thin foam sheets, cut them out, dremel some beveled edges and paint!
YOU CAN make it happen! When I was building the mech, I found it really difficult as there weren’t any MEKA cosplays before me, so i had to make everything from scratch. At the same time, I didn’t have anything to compare to so there wasn’t any pressure! All that matters is your unique cosplay and having fun with it!
It said HIS mother, not yours.
I’m struggling to fathom how to make McCree’s robo-arm, and here’s this guy making a full mech. :’(
Dude has 10 years as a professional designer under his belt. It’s all about perspective.
*gets out tub of popcorn*
I agree. 8 hour workdays are there for a reason. If you can’t get it done in 8 hours...
Exactly, if your views are diametrically opposed to the SJW crowd at Gawker, you are fair game. This is the most implicitly bias rag of faux-journalism I’ve ever seen.
If you have a few minutes, this video has a theory as to why Trump speaks/write like the way he does. It’s very interesting.
I teach sixth graders. They write circles around Trump.
Reaper is latino you racist Trumpateer
The only thing I’d like to see changed is Rein’s movement speed while swinging the hammer. He can keep pace with anyone, making it almost impossible to escape him once he starts swinging.
Finding ways to get out of paying your taxes is more unpatriotic than taking a knee during the national anthem. At least Colin Kaepernick pays his fair share of the taxes that go to actually paying the troops and supplying them with the supplies they need.
I agree, it’s not uncommon for me to have gold elims and gold dmg with Rein, and he’s one of the characters with a true tanking ability. It doesn’t feel balanced.
Or you know some of us have kids that might like this stuff, my daughter loves MLP and I had no idea about any of this so it was perfect article for me.
Some of us on Kotaku like cartoons and comics.
(lights in the helmet, too)
pfft, that crown in my opinion goes to the Xbox Life is Short ad