
Agreed. As with any socio-political movement, the good intentions at the beginning are quickly overwhelmed by the radicals who shout the loudest. Squeak wheel and all that. You see mass media might perform under a banner of fairness, but the reality is that there is no such thing anymore. From CNN to FOX News, from

Thank you for standing up and express your views. It is not an easy thing to do.

Like poor Zimmerman. Horrible. And they didn't stop with him, the published his parents' info too! I forgot to mention it also happened to the cop in Ferguson, MO too.

The reason they paint the whole group [GameGate] in a negative light is so they don't have to face the original accusations brought up. It's easier to name call someone that is legitimately criticizing you than it is to fess up and acknowledge the mistakes. It's a rookie politician move and frankly embarrassing.

How come we haven't seen any articles on the horrible business practices in regards to interns at Gawker? You guys seem to love to go after every business with questionable ethics, I would think this story is right up your alley!

Dorito-gate was only a a couple years ago and before that was Gerstmann-gate, so yeah this has been ongoing since 2007. It reminds of the Canadian 5cent candy protests where innocent kids were accused of being communist in the press and there was nothing that could be done to sway public opinion.

there is many females in the gamergate cause though, and ethnicities too, so.... not really lost when those girls and people of color show their faces.

That depends on how long it takes for them to decide they don't agree with you.

There are good work environments out there. I'm in one now, you may very well be in one. My previous two? Medium and baaaaaad.

You cant win any arguments here bud. You try to give a rational intelligent view point from inside the industry and you get shit on. He is comparing what your talking about to not seeing harassment from women in India or something... Articles like this make people so angry that its blinding to their thought

Even if you're against Gamergate it's easy to see that what he's saying about a new Hashtag is correct. The old one is pretty toxic, but the new one would be just as easily corrupted by the more heinous Gamergaters and people that want to see it fail.

Most of them might be rational people, but all is takes is one mentally ill person who's willing to cross that line.

And all pedophiles are child molesters.

Not really. The word misogyny is about as misused as the word irony.

I don't agree with the misogynistic attacks.

Well said, there's no longer a discussion on this topic. You can only have supportive comments. You can't give an opposing opinion on what was once the original topic. If you do you're automatically an ugly male and part of this movement. So it's best to just move on.

Or in my case, if someone even THINKS you're part of the GG movement (I'm not) They jump your shit. I dislike what is going on as much as everyone else, but that's no reason to respond with vitriol on either side of the argument.

yikes, that looks like the Quake 3 engine. I applaud the effort, but it doesn't look too hot.

I love that Nintendo is becoming consumer aware now. I feel like they lacked it a few years ago, now they just keep the ball rolling and it's working for them :)