
In all fairness, it kind of IS an aircraft carrier

What is Quake/Unreal about this? I'm seeing modern weapons with near instant kills. No manipulable physics, no crazy ass weapons.

Wow, didn't know Bronies were actually hated that much, I always figured it was more of a teasing thing... Come on, people, adults watching kid series isn't particularly shocking (Adventure Time, Pokemon, etc).

As a guy who was shit on by most girls at my schools during my teenage years for liking video games, there is a legitimate dose of truth in that image.

Terminator doesn't need a reboot, it just need for the Sarah Connor Chronicles to keep erasing movies 3 & 4 (movie 3 erased in episode 1, and I imagine season 3 would have erased/rewritten movie 4).

In pretty much any business, company, or organization you need to be authorized to talk to the media. Period. People in mid level positions aren't going to be, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. My company is excellent and I wouldn't have a bad thing to say about them, but I'm a blabbering idiot when I know

I'm sorry, but you must be missing the incredible games from smaller developers that have been absolutely raking in cash.