
I have no idea how many thousand of hours I put into Quake 3, Unreal 2004 and Elite Force. And I probably wouldn’t want to know...

As the author of the Assassin Turkey, happy to see it made the list. :)

They will continue to do so as long as people buy... and do people buy.

Have you tried the Hellpoint demo?

Steps of making a video game character from start to finish:

“Wiretapped” was mentionned 4 times in his tweets, but was in quotes only two times. So claiming “wiretap” was in quotes, is also an half-truth.

The problem isn’t the 22% in the industry... It’s actually that there’s a much smaller % of woman in game-related college. It’s actually surprising there’s 22% in the industry, considering the pathetic numbers in schools.

Trump is the best at this game. Everybody knows it. Just ask. He’s the best. He never lose. Ever.

I honestly never understood why people dislike speed camera.

As for the denial of wiping, the Court’s independent expert found 92 percent of Carmack’s hard drive was wiped

Just come buy them in Canada... Where we won’t have any silly “Wall Tax”.

I think my only problem with Tracer... Is that nobody saw that one coming at all. Like... not even a bit.

Thanks for making me work very hard to not laugh like an idiot at work.

And why should anybody accept that?

Oh? Ever tried to turn your phone side-way? You would be surprised to see... it works!

In my opinion, for a platformer, Crash 2 was as close to perfection as a game can be.

255 sounds like a single byte to me.

As someone who is running his own studio and is always getting underbudget... I have no idea.

Day: I love Dad Soldier 76