
Even though Ducktales has F.O.W.L., there’s no group of evil vultures that is better than Mzingo’s Vulture Parliament on The Lion Guard. They’re hysterical with every single action having to be put to a committee vote or creating a subcommittee to investigate. It’s even more hilarious when you discover that a flock of

I loved that Dewey still had a grudge against Donald for not naming him Turbo. Glomgold actually saving the day with his completely illogical plan that made a logical mind like Lunaris couldn’t fathom was hilarious. Also, someone needs to Kickstart Sharkas.

It would have been funnier if the Bombie chasing Louie worked for the IRS.

I’m relatively sure that the birthday song that Magica was forced to sing was a variation of the one they used to do at Bennigan’s. I once heard it 4 times in the same night and it’s hard to forget despite how much you want to.

It makes perfect sense that Della would punish Louie after everything that happened. Della’s greatest fear when she was on the moon was that she would never see her family again. Then she witnessed her family disappear into the infinite recesses of time and she didn’t know if she was ever going to see them again.

Goldie has to be unquestionably my most hated character in the entire show. I can’t even think of anything redeeming about her. She just shows up and steals something and is willing to manipulate anyone to get what she wants including her partners. She’s not like other antihero thief characters where they usually have

Soooooooooo...........where did Spinel get the injector in the first place?

I’d probably drop it a letter grade due to Barry being able to kill a building’s worth of men armed with assault rifles with nothing but a glock and an unlimited amount of ammo.

Are you talking about Cummings’ divorce? That’s not exactly the best time to make a #MeToo accusation if you’re demanding money and property as well. Also, Cummings got custody of his 2 daughters so the allegations were likely unproven.

“subhead of the new My Little Pony show”

It’s now confirmed that Donald is absolutely terrible when it comes to picking names. As Dewey said, he could have been named Turbo!

I really hate the fact that Tibet has been forgotten by the media now due to China’s massive influence. Tibet is about to have a crisis of leadership when the Dalai Lama passes and the actual Panchen Lama is trapped in Chinese custody.

How the hell is the toilet ejector the weakest sketch of the night? That had my family gasping for air after laughing so hard.

Trump dominates the news coverage and comedians make fun of what’s in the news. 

Is the AV Club ever going to review Young Justice Season 3: Outsiders?

What do you mean that Storkules was like Glomgold? Don’t you mean Zeus?

He should have called Crenshaw a real life version of Big Boss from Metal Gear Solid. That way it could be funny while also being somewhat of a compliment. 

Huey: “Uncle Donald, you raised 3 boys and are rich in love. Isn’t that the true measure of success?”

I’m so happy that they restored Glomgold’s South African roots. There’s no need to retcon it anymore given that apartheid is over and we have enough Scottish characters on the show.