
The title presumably refers to Gandalf and Aragorn hunting down Gollum in order to figure out where the Ring came from, which is a minor subplot in the book that the films more or less omitted.

Wireless systems don’t require any kind of physical robots, period. Those are not what robotic devices are for. No amount of digital advancement will scrub your toilet, dust your corners, carry the injured and the elderly, dig people from collapsed buildings or do any of the million human tasks that you take for

As long as there are humans and environments designed humans first, the robots designed to operate in them require a humanoid form. Of course if a robot is only specialised for one specific task it can be optimised to be any shape that’s most effective for the single task, but a general robot that can do any task

Human environments require humanoid robots. Our infrastructure is built for two legs and two arms. If we want a robot that can go around and do human chores unimpeded, it needs to be pretty much human-shaped. 

Arcane had the best compromise, I think, releasing the series in three episode blocks. 

Mariko wasn’t supposed to die, the Shinobi were trying to restrain her and carry her away, presumably to be secretly imprisoned until Toranaga had been dealt with. Ishido wanted to prevent her from dying so that she couldn’t become a martyr and instigate a rebellion with her death. 

“Maybe” is the original, granddaddy Fallout song. That’s what played in the opening of the very first Fallout in 1997. 

I haven’t seen She-Hulk, but Daredevil’s original costume from the comics was yellow, so most likely it was a reference to the character’s history. 

If I remember correctly, Slimer was supposed to be a more primitive manifestation, either a spiritual remnant of a person whose all but lost their human side, or a ball of psychic energy that never was human to begin with. 

If the Librarian ghost all the way from the first film is any indication, a ghost can look either way depending on its mood, normal when peaceful, monstrous when aggressive.

The kid will be a couple of years older before the first season is in the can, most likely. 

Anakin literally marched to the Jedi Temple leading the 501st Legion He wasn’t fighting the clones, they were under his command.

The clones didn’t butcher Anakin on sight, but instead obeyed his orders, so clearly there was a way to mark the (former) Jedi who would not be killed during Order 66. 

In the original book the Creature has perfect, ideal features with no visible scars whatsoever. Though it’s also implied that Frankenstein built him from scratch somehow, not from discarded bodyparts like in the adaptations. He ends up looking creepy because he’s humongous, eight feet tall, his skin is corpse-like and

Live-action has a higher budget, and therefore more meddling from the executives. Plus directing real actorsis very different skill from directing an animation.

It’s an anthology. Yaddle’s story can happen before her death. 

To be fair, that’s how the cars were in the original Fallout and Fallout 2. The nuclear powered vehicles being the norm was only coined for Fallout 3.

They were presumably made by the collaborator organisation with data provided by the Sophons. 

Apparently it’s been sold to a new owner, so the Kinja comments might give way to yet another medium in the near future. And who knows, maybe the new owners can get some improvements through, too. 

You are under the impression that they actually succeed in halting our technological progression? They can, at best, slow it down a little. They can’t end it completely. And even with our current technological level we are still a serious threat to them up close. They’re not gods. Their physical abilities and