I mean, the way Swift goes through boyfriends, it’s not outside the realm of possibility?
I mean, the way Swift goes through boyfriends, it’s not outside the realm of possibility?
Agreed, but Ruby Barker can afford good mental health care, and she lives in England, no?
If a woman denies a man because of his height she is supported. If a man denies a woman because of her weight he is demonized as fatphobic. Shit, men are being insulted online because we don’t want to fuck women with dicks. If you don’t like us, it’s because we are neckbeard incels. If we don’t like you it’s…
It’d be similar to trying to get an employer to pay for a pre-existing condition. There’s no way to directly link the two events. Who is to say what percentage of her anguish was caused by the gig and what mental health issues she already dealt with. This isn’t how insurance works.
If you need to subject yourself to a mental health crisis you are unable to handle because of YOUR method, then your method is problematic and unhealthy. Other actors have no issues getting the same results without subjecting themselves to anguish. We should therefore reevaluate method acting’s place in the…
Name one time in human history that Man has invented new technology and decided NOT to use it... This is a dumb argument. Might as well try banning photography, photoshop, hell the assembly line for that matter. Artisans were so much more prevalent before the industrial revolution. If only we could go back!!! EVIL…
I dunno. Whenever women call me short I just call them fat whores. Equality!
Cause women won’t date men under 6'0"?
Progressives making fun of right wing politicians for how they look is hypocrisy 101.
You can keep the digital pets... I just want a vehicle.
Both the Halloween and Exorcist reboots were mediocre at best, serving only to tarnish the luster of the originals. How about no? How about we leave legacy IPs alone for maybe 2 fucking seconds?
If pretending to be a different person makes you take on the mental health anguish of that character you have no business being an actor. Your employer is not responsible for your mental health. Your mental health is your responsibility. You can’t blame others for engaging with work that you know has the capacity to…
Fallout 4 had 140 mods released on Nexus in the last week, 8 years after release, even with the focus now shifting to the new game. Starfield is going to be immensely popular with the modding community. Especially considering the amount of space available for modders to add in custom content.
Hitler was right.
Hamas is not Palestine.
What do you mean? Inbreeding doesn’t cause superhuman height and strength? People don’t moronically put themselves in direct life or death danger completely without need for a literal stranger? Cops don’t completely ignore legitimate distress 911 calls in a cartoonish “ACAB” way completely divorced from reality? …
Say whatever you like, meme how many versions exist, but there are distinct reasons why Skyrim has sold 60 million copies over it’s lifetime with most likely the most heavily supported modding community to ever exist still thriving. 41 brand new mods released for Skyrim on Nexus in the last week alone, 12 years after…
More room for modders to fill over the next 20 or so years...