
@radink: I guess I have a different outlook on life:

@qq123: Let me google that for you:

@thefunnelweaver: When you start, basically all the company income goes to you as personal income. So, no advantage there. As soon as you start investing or leaving money in the business, incorporate.

Move south?

@phoenix: The day my business took-off is when I hired a small-business accountant... I costs a grand or two a year but he/she'll save you five with proper fiscal planning + you won't waste time with the tax crazy house anymore!

@Kantaris: If you ever see the whites of the eyes of the taxman, you'll quickly change opinion... In my area, they can look at your train of life, look at your income, and declare, without proof, that you cheated. Up to you to prove otherwise. I wish you the best of luck with that fiscal strategy!

@Phillip Yang: That's the wonderful world of finding talent. I find that just about 20-25% of freelancers are able to provide me with what I am looking for. (notice I did not say "bad" freelancers, I think it's just a matter of finding a good match).

@robmcbell: Just make sure you stay far, very far from your boss' customers or potential customers. Specialize in something your employer doesn't do or cater to a group he does not serve.

@jwlyon1: It depends where you live. In my area, a business licence is $60 for 5 years. And you have yo incorporate when your income reaches about 35k/years. It varies greatly from place to place. Google a bit, usually states have full-fledge websites for new businesses.

@Pobre: "better than" is your friend on Google. I second that! As well, you can try with "problem", "sucks", or "excellent"...

Gina, you are spot-on you just wrote the story of my life without knowing me!

Prediction 2010: lockable carry-on compartment...

I installed 3.6b4, used it for a couple of weeks, was quite unstable, had to reinstall 3.5 from scratch (thanks FEBE and Foxmarks!). I wasn't surprised to learn they went with a beta 5! I have installed 5-6 Firefox betas in the past and never had any problem like this. I guess it means there is a lot going on under

@GuimiAlfaro: too many places in too little time my friend! Can't you cut a couple destinations? At least when you are in each city, do not try to visit 10 places... Go for a couple of attractions in each city (not necessarily the most popular) , and save some time to "feel" each city: go visit people, go to the

@jeremiah89: captain obvious sayz: 11 on a scale of 10. Go for it.

@Buster Friendly: I just reinstalled AVG, but this time I took care to go through the custom install, avoiding all the crappy additions and settings. Worked like a charm. It's now an unobstrusive, efficient AV software.

From the article: "...the numeric keypad is just a waste of desk space and makes me reach further for the mouse."à

And where should I lay the cover when I'm at my computer? No room for that in my office !-)

I am just trying to figure out what a poor hindu (India) (or S. America, or Africa for that matter, even NYC! why not) person is thinking while reading this article on his OLPC. Probably just shaking his head. Let's be thankful!