This is close to what I am looking for...
Karen's Replicator + TrueCrypt
No broad extension support, no love from me!
I was once told this trick to find a guitar teacher and it worked wonders for me:
PC Mag = Spam, as far as I am concerned.
We have one at home. My wife uses it in the kitchen to check the kids school schedule, weather for the day, and other short browsing stints. Saves her from going in the office. Convenient for us!
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I find basic IBM or HP are the best for me.
No. Life Hacker is an online successful community. Not a real-life social/hacking club (ie a geeky Martha Stewart demo meeting). To me those are two very different things.
I fixed my cat odor problems with an ax at the end of the field...
Simple corded IR or laser.
Wow. 3 seconds to recover my 12-letter pw. All you have to do is read the help file. It takes 2 minutes to figure it out.
VOTE: μTorrent
If it has Adblock... I'll check it out!
After toying around for about 10 years with different pw managers :