Absolutely she would have, and will in 2020 if the DNC has any brains.
Absolutely she would have, and will in 2020 if the DNC has any brains.
Elizabeth Warren would have crushed him too, FWIW
If Hillary were a male candidate she'd be Richard Nixon.
Women on the left are all lesbians anyway, amiright?
It's one of the very few dystopian novels where rebellion isn't even discussed. The goal the entire time is survival and merely survival. No false hope or red herrings. Just "how is she going to get out of this?"
I don't think you know what that means.
Whiplash is the best movie of the 2010s. I am going to watch the fuck out of La La Land.
I would be … if I were ever invited to one.
Because I'm on their side politically, and I'm seeing our position being systematically dumbed down.
Next time, promise
Not lately
Our failure to take things seriously is the disease. Everything that is going bad with the world is generally deriving from that.
More pop culture and less idiot politics masquerading as pop culture. It doesn't matter if Nathan is right about Palin's awfulness. His article is deeply stupid and articles, blogs, and comedy shows like this are helping dumb down the entire philosophy of liberalism.
Yes, just like every newswire about how Samantha Bee, Colbert, and John Oliver DESTROYED Trump with their biting wit.
You don't know many vets I'm guessing. They're mostly deeply conservative and voted Trump by and large.
Boy, Nathan just DESTROYED Sarah Palin. She only has her probable cabinet post and millions of dollars to comfort her.
I know. My totally original analysis.
Don't put videos of people fucking on the internet without their permission. That's the journalistic implication.
I voted every local and state race. I helped local candidates campaign. But I would not vote for Clinton just to prevent Trump. She's too repugnant.
Your bold, powerful stance is noted.