No, you won't and they don't.
No, you won't and they don't.
Clinton had no positions. She was a vapid policy wonk who had legitimate contempt for anyone working for a living.
Don't act stupid. Identity politics only matter when the identity is the the impetus for the politics. Racism and sexism are in opposition, not the progenitor. It's the difference between "I hate Mexicans" versus "I vote how I vote because I'm white."
You are incorrect, and this myopia is why the Democratic Party is dying.
That's not identity politics. That's racism and misogyny. There's a difference and words are important.
Transsexual, female to male, and male to female are. Bigender and Agender need clarification but are. The rest are not.
It was certainly a bunch of lefties who (rightly) upended the traditional legal definitions of marriage, correct?
Trump's campaign was devoid of social content. That's why it won.
Junk can get mixed around, but not enough for 37 to be a rational number of classifications.
Even though I disagree with you, I deeply respect you for this post. I will but you a drink and talk for hours with you about this if you're ever In my neck of the woods.
The vast majority of people do not give any fucks about what you fuck. They care about mortgages and schools. Stop talking about what you're fucking and talk about how you are going to help people make their mortgage.
Yes, you were determined to do that no matter what. That's my point.
Vodka and borscht. It's delicious.
There's a difference between "heteronormative" and recognizing that 37 genders is absurd given the obvious lack of distinction in all our various junks.
You, uh, have a source for that?
Well, you were wrong. Obvious evils are easy to fight. It's these simpering ones that I hate.
Liberals aren't overreacting. Most don't care. It's trust fund liberals overreacting. I hate you all so so so much.
OK, let me dumb it down. Maybe the Democratic Party should have placed in eggs in the policy basket rather than the identity politics basket while trying to win the presidency.
People trying to create an issue out of mocking the absurdity of 37 gender choices, highlighting the Democratic Party's "miss the forest for the trees" campaign, is absolutely the worst thing ever. You are Ebola mixed with dick cheese if you are offended by this joke.
That would have been really good advice for the Democratic Party in October.