Any other constitutional rights you feel comfortable letting your state legislatures vote on?
Any other constitutional rights you feel comfortable letting your state legislatures vote on?
Which for a gigantic portion of the country will be de facto abolition.
I don't think people realize just how impressive this win was. Donald Trump just became president while flaunting every conceivable political rule, and he did it without a Carville or Rove. He did it on force of personality and a deep understanding of exactly what he needed to do to win.
That is de facto underestimating him. Instead, imagine he knew exactly what he was doing and played everyone involved like a fiddle. That he involved Matt Drudge and Steve Bannon early in the process and specifically avoided traditional campaign operations as to throw off the Republican establishment. Imagine he…
I think it's that, combined with the fact that identity politics aren't nearly as persuasive as people think they are outside the echo chambers.
Trump didn't just disembowel the entire political establishment by being stupid and lazy. This insane underestimation by him is how he keeps winning. He's Gordon Gecko in Wall Street: "Yeah, not bad for a City College boy. I bought my way in, now all these Ivy league schmucks are sucking my kneecaps."
Trump is Butch in Pulp Fiction. "That's how you're gonna beat 'em, Butch. They keep underestimating you."
You don't think he is thinking the exact same thing, but from a different perspective?
He is going to appoint three supreme court justices during his tenure. It will be extremely easy to accomplish.
It's the surprisingly most downplayed post-election story. Trump is vowing to overturn Roe v. Wade. That's bonkers, and probably of all things the most racist, as I think his not-so-secret rationale is to increase the number of white babies in the heartland.
Well, no, I'm not OK with it. I was just being clinical.
I know you're right. I just don't want to admit it.
In the sense that he isn't hampered by any baggage whatsoever. He doesn't have to come in and pay nice with *anyone.* He has supporters, but no one pulls his strings. He can tell everyone from Wall Street to Congress to sit and swirl. And because executive actions are so easy to do now, he can do *anything*,…
I think he has no social conscience whatsoever. His voters don't care about social issues as much as they care about economic ones, and they're not voting Democrat if he supports LGTBW. I don't see him caring one way or the other, and certainly not wasting political or social capital on it.
I know it's extremely unlikely. But imagine Trump isn't the doddering juvenile everyone portrayed him as. Imagine instead he is ruthless, intelligent, and cunning. Imagine he hates Congress, his "side" or no.
I really don't think LGTBQ have to worry so long as Trump's there. He's already about to appoint the first gay ambassaor to the UN and has said he's not working to reverse gay marriage. I think Trump probably has a legitimate contempt for social issues of any kind, and is going to focus on money and military.
Here's the nightmare scenario no one is able to picture yet. What if Trump … does a great job? What if he smashes ISIS, brings manufacturing back, rebuilds the infrastructure, works with Democrats to reform healthcare, introduces campaign finance reform, legalizes marijuana, and gets working on a moonbase with the…
Probably that you need to meet more people. [I am not Jon]
Trump is probably Anthony Bennett. If he is as good as Waiters, I will be thrilled.
Donald Trump is like one of those extremely athletic gunners you see who try to make it to the NBA. They're undisciplined and inefficient, and they get lost on defense, but, man, if they only got everything together how great they could be, even as experts tell you they never will.