I enjoy your comments very much, thank you.
I enjoy your comments very much, thank you.
I'm mostly here because I like to talk about politics and entertainment, and this is a much brighter board than most and mostly aligned to my interests. But some things drive me nuts.
And everyone who lives closer to work than I do should use public transportation.
Is that what I think?
I have interest in the literature far more than the literary criticism. Same with culture. Applying feminist theory to something so brainless as Ghostbusters or Gone Girl is a misapplication of brain cells. I come here to talk about things that interest me, not to pretend I am making myself or anyone else better or…
My own entertainment, which is of course not important. Do you feel
Important for posting here?
I'm not talking science or engineering. I'm talking about arts that are liberal in theory.
Is that what they do? Because what I've seen is an intellectual circle jerk where the most progressive member gets to come first. And where the poor are loved in abstract and hated in reality.
Liberals aren't the problem. The problem is liberals who don't actually work for a living, or who work in fabricated artificial bubbles (actors, academics, etc.) in which they can insulate themselves from the blue collar and poor. Those fuckers are the public face of liberalism and they can't express or defend…
See when other people do it, they're racists, when we do it, we have totally extenuating circumstances.
Is her "rich white women in the middle of New York outrage" really righteous outrage, or is it more a self-righteous outrage designed to sell products to the demographic with the highest disposable income (upper middle class white youth)?
Dylan was always wonderful. But his embarrassment at how imbecilic the Nobel committee was makes me realize he's actually a genuinely genuine guy. That's insanely rare and even more wonderful.
Whoa, a limousine liberal preached one thing and did another? That's amazing.
Liberals used to be tough motherfuckers. Getting shot by Confederate soldiers. Getting beat by Pinkertons. Surviving fire hoses in deep south. Playing Quidditch and laughing at John Oliver isn't on the same level.
Charlton Heston's skull is more qualified than the current team. I'd rather have Clint in charge than literally anyone there right now. Clint v. Rudy Fucking Guliani for Secretary of State? Give me Clint.
The Onion said it best. No matter what, Donald Trump is having a ton of fun.
Gulf War wasn't dull. But it wasn't the daily entertainment this is.
It will not be a boring four years.
Yes, they have the right to perform censorship on their sites. It's still censorship.
Maybe I'm overreacting, but isn't the difference between this and censorship only that we're not calling it censorship?