If you don’t understand why you have to punish an attempted insurrection, then you should probably pack your bags and find a nice banana republic to move to.
If you don’t understand why you have to punish an attempted insurrection, then you should probably pack your bags and find a nice banana republic to move to.
Nintendo is using their IP how they choose. If this guy wants to control his art he needs to create his own characters.
I don’t believe you DD that.
The most impractical car I have ever daily driven (well mostly daily, you will understand in a second) was a... 1979 Fiat Spider 2000. This was my first car when I turned 16 in 2000.
I think you understand the mostly daily at this point. Reliability was never Fiat’s strong suit, add on 21 years and well you get the…
Don’t play it.
“Perhaps Twitch is just a simp for punishment.”
Most From Software fans don’t even know what Armored Core is.
RDR2 ran better at its absolute worse on PS4/XBO, then CP2077 at it’s best.
Base PS4 runs at 720p ~20-25FPS with dips in the the teens and lots of hitches. That is not “didn’t look great”, that is “doesn’t run”.
Neither do articles that are unwilling to show how little Sony cares about accessibility.
There is no “demand lead” they are both sold out everywhere.
How did you write an article about controller accessibility and not mention the Xbox Adaptive Controller?
Microsoft has invested millions of dollars to enable gamers of all abilities to play in their ecosystem while Sony has done practically nothing.
It’s not the neon, CDPR practically recreated the mask doctors use to trigger a seizure.
If your TV is properly adjusted you don’t have to change anything.
Or just use the self cleaning feature and follow the instructions in the manual. What a dumb article.
I don’t need to re-read the stupid thing you wrote before.
Why even ask such a dumb question?
A GTX 1650 can’t run Borderlands 3 at 4k60 (which the Series X can).