
40 is old, just deal with it.

I don’t see you posting donation receipts.

Agreed. I know many people who are “strapped for cash” yet they have a $500 a month car payment and a $1000 cell phone.

Or here in Seattle where they make 14-15 an hours.

Thanks for the answer.

Why would you stop contributing to retirement accounts just because you are retired?

As someone who has been critical of your articles in the past, yesterday and today’s “What to know about money” are full of good advice and should be very insightful to those struggling with these concepts.

You can buy the Ring security system for $200 and get professional monitoring for $10 a month... a much idea and deal then piecing something together using Alexa.

Top Image shows a guy playing DOTA 2 with a fake came controller?

If you need to dip into retirement savings for anything that is not retiring you do not have the liquid funds to afford what you are purchasing.

And here I was thinking they were there so I could grab the wrench I dropped while changing out the rear tail light on my Mazda 3.

“nice dress shoes last and can be reconditioned to the point where you can get decades of use out of them. I sure wouldn’t buy them because I had a rough day or anything though.”

Doing some searching, the best rated tennis shoes cost between $100 and $120 dollars. If you are paying $200 for tennis shoes, you are paying more then necessary.

Your very positive savings is probably in part to not buying frivolous things!

150>200, not as ridiculous. Also, student loan debt is much different then other debts, which the person in the story claimed to have.

Buying a car for more then 15k to get better tech packages is just as ridiculous if you are already in debt.

$200 is a ridiculous amount to spent on a pair of shoes when you are not in debt. $200 Shoes when you are already in debt is indicative of how you got there in the first place.

You have no clue how much a bike costs.

I spent entirely too much time trying to research this on you behalf (since you provide no evidence other then person experience) and the only creditable thing I can find was a research article from a few years ago that correlates larger penis size and masculine features with the preference of being a top.

Well the first gay website to come up in search disagrees with you.