ISIS to the left of me, Assad to the right.
ISIS to the left of me, Assad to the right.
The horrifying thing is we could have dropped 50k people into a closed off barbed-wire surrounded camp in the middle of the desert, and they’d have been perfectly happy to be here. The “security risk” part of the equation was always bullshit. Tens of thousands of Syrians, if not more, would gladly have endured some…
The thing that’s scared me the most about modern war is how high civilian deaths always are even among small opposing forces. Indiscrimate shelling and bombing becoming the go to plan of attack since WW2, and militaries will always take the opportunity to kill 200 enemy soldiers at the cost of 800 civilians if a more…
Cheto Hitler is friends with the architects of this. Let’s never forget that. I would not be at all surprised that Herr Asshat’s victory has emboldened Putin and Assad.
This is the partnership America voted for...
Re: Bella Thorne
But like self harming is totally relavent to whether or not she should be the primary parent.
brad pitt impregnates marion cotillard during filming in february / having affair on set of spy movie like when brangelina met and had affair / cotillard sophisticated french woman a lot like her mom
I mean, would anyone be surprised by this though? How could this harm her at this point? The woman wore a vial of Billy Bob Thorton’s blood around her neck when they were married, who among us didn’t think she was into blood play?
Maybe it’s for the best if Russia is in charge of us if we’re fighting China. We’re going to need some violent, crazy assholes - lots of them, in fact - if we’re taking on China.
Can Ann Coulter have children? I always just assumed she was some sort of horrible simulacra being piloted around by a thousand angry scorpions.
He sure as shit is gonna start a war. Reason? So he will win another term. ‘Murricans don’t vote out a president when war is on.
Some things can’t be fixed because they came out broken. I know the natural and human thing is to look for any explanation for why people behave and think a certain way but sometimes you just have to accept that people are assholes because they were born assholes and a change in geography, education, huge bank account…
Unless they could not vote for any reason or they had to deal with voter suppression i would put a large amount of 40% who did not vote in that pile. If they did not care enough to stop a fascist from being President, then i doubt they care about racism or will help us deal with the rise of the far-right.
I fear nuclear war and straight up expect conventional war. I doubt that Trump’s ego will allow him to be a peace-time President and enough of our fellow citizen’s are jingoist enough to seek a war with China.
This. Flood their rural towns and protest. Crowd around their city’s crown jewel (I’m thinking a 24 hr Mc.Donalds?) and raise hell.
I’d buy the lie that they care about babies if they gave a shit about it after it was born. But their policies prove they don’t. It’s about controlling women. They just keep using increasingly hyperbolic language to sell the baby-loving lie.
A blonde woman leaned over the guardrail to yell, “Better than killin’ babies!”
For the first time in my life, I fear nuclear war.