
Kim is divorcing Kanye, Kris is in charge of all shabbang including finding husband #4.

I wouldn’t be at all surprised to find out Mariah is crazy boring. She always looks like she’s performing and I’ve admittedly wondered if she ever turns it off or if she just lives her life like that.

you’re right. I’ve been passive for too long. But I’m still at a loss for whats the right approach to actual get some results. Because, just in my personal experience, accusing a person of being a racist or saying something racist never works. Even if they are being horribly blatantly racist, all that happens is they

And that man is the real criminal and unethical POS here, isn’t he?

“Average american” is the new code for anti-intellectual white supremacy.

These people would call MLK a terrorist if he was alive today. But he’s been dead for 50 years and all they know about him is the “I have a dream” speech, which they believe is fundamentally equivalent to their declarations that they don’t see color. So he’s not only “safe,” invoking him reinforces their racism while

Yup. When they started showing up at Trump rallies wearing T-shirts that read “Fuck your feelings”, well I knew then that we would be in for a long four years.

I make it my mission to make sure I insult a Trump or Stein voter at least once a day. I make no apologies for it and shall continue with my mission. I feel fucking fantastic about it too!

But conversation is the point. If were gonna make real change we have to change peoples minds. Now I’m not trying to make Klansman drop the hood to go protest housing discrimination. But how am I gonna get the white kid who grew up in the suburbs, and never had a black friend, to understand what being black in America

Jeffrey Zucker told him to shut the fuck up or find another network.

Also, “love army” is just too touchy-feel, SJW, liberal pussy shit for the crowd he’s trying to reach.

“Jones’s vision of love suggests blindness, endless patience and a great deal of emotional labor on the part of people who are already exhausted. It puts the onus on us to prove we are worthy of compassion and justice.”

Trump voters may not be racist themselves but they decided it wasn’t a deal breaker for them. May we all survive the upcoming decades of fallout this man’s action will bring.

YES. This is one of my biggest problems with democrats—they don’t fight back. They don’t want to play dirty. And so they get ran over time and again. This is not the time to “give Trump a chance” this is a time to listen to what Trump told us he believes and believe him.

It was the TV series equivalent of turning The Hobbit, a mere pamphlet of a novella, into 3 movies

I loved the *idea* of The Man in the High Castle. The world-building was great! But wow, it was boring as all get-out. In fact, I can’t remember whether I finished watching season one.

Agree about Man in the High Castle. I was really excited for it, but it was so boring!

Dicks. Nothing but dicks as far as the eye can see.

“She complained that Amazon supports a corporate-focused culture that diminishes creative work”

yeah, that’s the pushback one hears. If anything, rape is underrepresented on TV and in movies. But, so is all other crime except murder, I suppose.